Facial Hair?

Is there a lotion or cream that allows quill to grow back lighter, thinner, or even slower?
I've tried shaving, wax, plucking, nair, veet, electrolysis, and everyother thing certain to man


Have I stopped growing?

They have a facial bleaching agent on the souk that will bleach the hairs so they are no so appreciable. Sally Henson makes pretty polite facial product. You can find it at your local drug store or Wal-Mart etc.

Embarrassing problem help!?

electrolysis is the individual thing that will permantantly find rid of it! just own to give it time! goood luck

How do u acquire touretetes? like are u born next to it or something?

ey when you find somethin permanent, lemme know!
im cloudy skinned and dark eyed and dismal haired...so nothing works for long! i hold some sally henson or something that works for about a week and a partially, then the spine grows back. i construe electrolysis would be the best thing forever but it can be expensive. everything ive tried burns my skin, and i DONT have sensitive skin. adjectives i kno is DONT shave it. it'll come back (eventually) similar to a man, thicker and blacker.
but if you find something good, be sure to post it somewhere!
perfect luck n happy hunting...God know im hunting too for soemthing that works good

Can you still return with preqnant even if you wear a condom?

keep shaving

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