Depo Provera?

How long after others have stopped taking depo provera injections did you stop have Depo Effects? eg:
1)Weight Gain = When did you lose weight
2)Lack of Sex drive = when did you feel close to instigating sex because you want to have it a bit thasn feeling as though you should?
3) Moods = When did the "real" you appear again?
Did you find that when your cycle returned to commonplace that everything feel vertebrae into place? or did all of the above return earlier / after your menstrual cycle?

What is a way to increase your Breast without adjectives those products and stuff?

Most women feel "normal" again a few weeks after they discontinue the injections, conceivably a month at the most.
Depression and decreased libido should develop by 4 months after the last injection, if these be caused by the depo.
However it's rugged to feel "normal" and angelic about yourself, and sexy if you consistency terrible roughly speaking your weight. So that's an indirect effect that can bear a while to improve.
Weight loss depends on how much you consume versus how much you burn past its sell-by date. The effects of depo on appetite and metabolism are over within a few weeks after discontinuation.

It can bear several months for the endometrium to build up enough for a term. Sometimes even a year. You could definitely ovulate until that time then -- that is to say very unpredictable. Some women don't resume regular cycles and fertility for a full year. Others obtain pregnant immediately, as soon as they miss a shot.

Bra fitting?

It took my daughter a year, and she's still not on a average cycle she also ended up beside hypothyroidism

I have endometriosis. Can anyone recommend a right surgeon in Texas? Please relief!?

I did not get mass gain but I did get lots of mood swings and it took close to 3 months and then I get on the nurva ring now to be exact working much better I think it depends on how long you be using it i only took it for a year and months

What is the average point for a 13 year old girl?

It can bear anywheres from 3 months to a couple of years to get rear to normal.

Please answer my sound out, if you have a minute. thank u :)?

As an behind the times Depo Provera user of 3 years I would have to read aloud different strokes for different folks, I too suffered from the weight gain, drought of sex drive and horribly the mood swings, for me it took only a couple of months to bring my sex drive back, the mood swings stopped after 3 months but i finally get a normal cycle after a together year of not getting my last Depo injection which should hold been June 2006

Im have the coil fitted today. If any ladies have have this done could you please tell me what its approaching?

Dear Jackie,
I just enjoy to write about this even though it may not fully answer your question. In 1986, I started going through the "Change". I was have more than my share of bleeding. 3 GYNs wanted to filch everything out of me, but there be a lot going on nearly knife-happy doctors at that time. A very well-mannered friend recommended another doctor in the subsequent state. He saved me from have to have the biggie operation. I have 2 "D&Cs" and he put me on Depo-Provera for a year just to verbs everything out really well. I don't remember purchase weight , losing interest in sex, or losing mass. All I know is it made a big change contained by my life. I get my first real professional work that year, and this particular doctor help me so much. My uterus shrank. I already had 2 children who be in college, so I did not want any more. I be happy roughly that. I hoped it helped you rather bit to tell you of my experience near Depo-Provera.

Who feels bras should be outlawed on really hot days?

I stopped using it over a year and a partly ago.

1) I have all the same to lose the weight and am in actual fact gaining more... DONT DO IT

2) Still haven't gotten it vertebrae. I never want to anymore. DONT DO IT

3) I'm still mean... Very be set to and moody. DONT DO IT!

I got my cycle on track near another form of birth control. I used it for 4 months straight and I got regulated.

My joint deteriorated and my back and knees hold suffered. All the extra weight have got me gasping for breath. DONT DO THE SHOT!

Talking to mom?

I didn't stop attainment the weight, still have no sex drive, and my moods were dreadful up until I went to stir see an ob/gyn who put me on hormones for awhile. While I haven't been competent to lose the 30 lbs I gained (I haven't really be trying), my appetite isn't nearly as big as it was and I can devour w/e I want and still maintain my weightiness, which is how I was until that time the Depo. As far as the moods, I couldn't be happier. And the hormones made my sex drive go WAYYY spinal column up. Amazingly enough, my cycle still isn't regular. I've be bleeding for over 5 months now and ob/gyns can't come across to stop it. The hormones were supposed to stop that, but any way I discern great because of the hormones. Go talk to your ob/gyn and see what he/she suggests for you. I'm glad I did.

Okay, I stipulation some help or tips warning or something?

Within a week.

I had the depo shots twice and I get SO sick! When I went put a bet on for the 3rd I made them switch me to the pill.

I had my time for 4 months straight, I actually lost freight from this and was extremely anemic. The bleeding stopped after a week.
My sex drive come back inside a week.
I snapped out of my depression within the week too.

Hey what do you guys do for cramps?

In 1994, After solely on it for 6 mo. it took my body about 2 yrs to carry my cycle back to everyday.
1) I gained alot of solidity. Im not able to loose the immensity (i think also my age, that make it more difficult)
2) Sex drive = about a yr subsequent.
3) When i was on the Depo Provera, i be VERY moody. Up & down & side to side like a yo-yo. Not sure when the "real" me come back. I also have to shower with my nylon brush because my skin be so dry and itchy.

4) When i stoped the shot i did get pregnant but 2 eggs hold attatched themselfs to the outside of my uterus because Depo Provera makes the uterus hugely thin. Those babies single developed up to about 4 months along and they didnt hold any arms and the hearts be really very small. My body rapt them because my med. insurance didnt cover that kind of operation because they said that it would be purely cosmetic since i be not in any condition risks. Because of that i weigh more than i look. I look like im in the order of 155 to maybe 160 lbs. but nooo, im much much more.
My husband can just pick me up vertically.

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