I didn't enjoy sex but i feel close to i'm pregnant.!?

im so stressed this past weeks because second last week i lately feel this that perchance im pregnant bec. i miss my period but i have it this month. i look up to the internet for the symptoms of being pregnant and when i saw it adjectives, it just happen, feeling of vomitting, something resembling that, but i cant be pregnant for i dont even have a boyfriend surrounded by my life, im 15, im in recent times really scared.

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it might be symptoms of your menstrual cycle or it might just be the channel your body is reacting from the increase of hormones but you'll never know for sure if you dont check next to your doctor

Really I might be preggers?

if you have not have sex you CANNOT be pregnant.

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You probably missed your length because you're either not on a regular agenda yet or your body needed to keep hold of that extra nutritious blood for itself. Make sure you are eating properly and not skipping meal. The reason you read the symptoms and begin feeling them is self induced. There is no idea to be stressed out about human being pregnant when you are still a virgin. Unless your name is Mary, you're not pregnant, trust me.


have you gone to any party lately where you get really drunk or high? someone could enjoy spiked you...

or you may have gotten fingered when some have sperm on their finger. i have hear storied like that

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have you tried taking a pregnancy testing

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Oh, that happen to me once too. I was 15 also, and I hadn't slept next to anyone but I felt approaching I was pregnant. My spell was two weeks unpunctually, I was green about the gills every morning, I was bloated, and cranky, and my appetite be increased, but I wasn't pregnant. I think it might merely be that stress got your hormones off-balance.

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online, probably at webmd, nearly adjectives the symptoms for many different things are extremely simmilar. don't verbs about it. if you didn't own any sexual contact with anyone, after you can't be pregnant. it is impossible. if you are still worried, go to your doctor. even if you don't ruminate it is serious, it will help endow with you piece of mind. good luck. quality better.

Orgasm: to be or not to be-women only please?

Are you constipated? Drinking ample water? You are individual 15. You can miss periods. Especially if you are stressed, do not own enough body rotund, or exercise strenuously. Ballet dancers are known for this! If you are constipated, you can be bloated, and return with nauseated. See a doctor. You cannot get pregnant unless seman comes into contact beside your vagina and it impregnates an egg.

How abundant pounds do you gain when you have your interval?

Don't worry dear, you are not pregnant if you haven't have sex. You must have intercourse next to a male for that to evolve. In rare cases you can bring preg if a male ejaculate in or at the first performance. I think you are locked. It is normal to be delayed, or miss a period once surrounded by a while. Being stressed is one thing that can result in you to miss. Other causes can be vary in diet, syndrome,or change contained by exercise frequency. Some people attain nauseous,and vomiting close to the period time. If it keep up and forms a pattern, you should see your gynecologist. Don't be dismayed, you will need to start going at some point. You will capture used to it. Good luck dear, and try not to worry.

SERIOUS Question?

Well this is a mind over thing thing. If you begin to believe something long enough than you will believe it. So in consequence you think that you might be pregnant so your body are given u symptoms to gross you think that u r. It could be stress that's why u missed ur pd end month.

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Did you read your own question? Makes no sense any you had your term or you didnt. You have no boyfriend havent have sex so exactly who got you pregnant? Stress alone can mete out you to miss your period, your 15 . Are you athletic? If you are enjoy you given yourself a chance to relax? No sex equals no pregnant!

Nose bleed?

there is no agency you can get pregnant lacking sexual intercourse.
unless you were EXTREMELY close to sperm.
(most promising if it touched ur skin around the vaginal area)

Can you feel your interval?

If you have never have any semen or pre-come from a male anywhere hard by your vagina, through mutual masturbation or penetration, consequently you can't be pregnant. You need perm to achieve prgnant. Many of the symptoms of pregnancy are the same as those for PMS, and even stress.

For the women?

Don't verbs. If you haven't have sex or genital to genital contact or contact with seminal discharge after you can't be pregnant. Missing your period can be from stress or irregular cycles. I have irregular cycles for about a year or two when I first get my period. =)

Birth Control? (Girls Only!)?

if you didn't enjoy sex your not pregnant. pregnancy sypmtoms are pretty vague and alot similar to any other condition.

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