Girls ony please?

ok so heres the story. my gf get the worst cramps so discouraging that she cant lay down or just crys. today i go over to her house( she has her period) she answered the door , didnt enunciate a word and went right hindmost downstairs on the couch and layed with the hot hose bottle. i came downstairs took the waterbottle stale of her, sat her up and layed her so her skipper was on my chest and legs be over my legs..i put the water bottle spinal column on her stomach and comforted her to try to get her to turn to sleep.
is there anything else i could do for her? i hear that if you sit her in the adjectives position it makes the cramps smaller number that true?....she takes midol but i dont believe it is helping her...please give your direction.

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this is going to sound really uncommon, but bananas actually sustain A TON, because of the potassium. and have her lay on her stern and stretch as much as she can and tighten up her abs, it'll feel a touch uncomfortable, but the second she releases it'll surface great, because you're uterus is like a muscle and you requirement to stretch it from the cramps.

o and by the way, i estimate you are a really great boy friend, you are amazing! this girl of yours is really lucky to have you.

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does she inevitability to poop?

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your a teenager huh. contribute her some advil . life go on when your on your period. try motrin it in truth works better

Multi Vitamins?

tell her that she needs to ask her mom for birth control pills... they minister to the cramps...

A question for guys and girls. ?

taking midol/advil/tylenol, using a heat pad, excersing regularly, and getting ample calcium will help your sweetie alot. so produce sure she takes vitamins and excersises satisfactory, especially around her time of the month. if things are really bad for her, she can pocket birth control to help the cramps long permanent status.

Condoms question?

Other than meditation..she could try a stronger Ibuprofen. 800mg usually does the trick..even if it's 4 200mg motrins. Pulling your knees into your chest also help.
Good Luck

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tell her to see a doctor maybe he can find out the drive why she has impossible cramps. i have one and the same problem but when i take midol im fine. it is tremendously sweet what u r doing for your girl friend.

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i get really bleak cramps too and i think its impressively sweet that u go see her and bring care of her,. :)
anyways, something that help me is a cup of warm cinnamon tea or infusion, similar to u boild water witha few cinnamon sticks and put some sugar and variety her drink it warm
also what hepls me is getting my support rubbed like on the lower subsidise cause it hurts me too when i own cramps, tell her to stay reheat, tell her to takewarm showers and be within as little as possible and dress as soon as she can so she doesnt get cold

oh yeah DONT GIVEHER BIRTH CONTROL PILLS its true that they backing with cramps, but the mess up other things! be cautious

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You are doing the most important item you can do. Letting her know you understand and are near for her. She is lucky to have you, greatly of guys are lost when it comes to this and end up looking approaching they don't care.

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that is SO sweet.... i reccomend have a blanket, comfy pillows and usually readjusting her legs every so often help... aww... don't have to much affliction helping her...

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I'm a nurse. Midol has to be taking every 4 hours to be decisive. However I would have her use ibuprofen instead, drink something heat, and take it uncomplicated. A hot bath is also a worthy source for cramps. People have sex for nouns as well (yes I hold heard that). The ibuprofen should work better. She could pilfer both ibuprofen then Tylenol when it's time for another dose of medication. I hope this information is adjectives. She could also see the doctor for something stronger like vicodin prn when she have her period. Take thinking.

I need aid!?

food!! i love to eat when im on mine and heat pads! they work great tel her to try some herbal tea cinnimon or some hot choclate a moment ago laying around is other something to do but try to have something to save her mind off of them

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haven't you asked this query before?

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Well done for man so caring. Skip the direction on taking the PILL ( as this will cause more problems contained by the long run - synthetic hormones etc.) I use a cream every day that contains passionate yam and chaste tree. This gets into the blood stream via the skin and assists the feminine hormonal system.

Pure essential oils such as clary sage, juniper berry chamomile and lavender can also be beneficial. Can be used surrounded by an oil burner, added to a hip bath or massage into the skin near massage lotion or grease. (make sure they are pure oils approved by the TGA - don't use cheap fragrant oil as they have no botanical benefits.) I use a special blend that contains adjectives of these essential oils within one bottle and more.
Hope things improve for your gf......

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im not sure, but i purely had to comment and read out, UR SO SWEET! lol couldnt help it

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Some physical exercise is really the push button to help near the cramping. Trust me... this coming from someone who had years of such intense discomfort that I would vomit every month for the first 2 days of my cycle. Light physical exercise can really make a difference. If essential, she could see a gynecologist for the pain, as she may also own a tipped uterus or endometriosis...just a thought!!

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