I am worried?!?!?! woman lone?

i am 12 years old & my time is 3 days late i am a virgin but i don't know what is wrong?! It is usually never late & right prompt please help?!

Unsure whats wrong beside me :S?

Relax sweetie, nobody is on a perfect cycle. Sometimes you skip period for no reason, or the come early/late. If you miss your term for 2 months in a row, that might be rationale for concern. Sometimes things like stress (maybe final exam time?) can bring your cycle to mess up. It's okay, take a weighty breath, you'll be alright :)

Is my weight ok?

You are one and only 12. Your cycles take years to regulate. It is run of the mill.

How do i switch the day I start my birth control?

You're babyish enough that it is impeccably NORMAL for your period to not be totally regular. Just relax, dally a few more days, but if you are really that worried you could always consult to your doctor.

Headaches around period?

Yes it's impressively normal, sometimes be are so regular with our period and all of sudden we become irregular, sometimes is due to stress or other anxieties.

My term isnt normal!?

It will help yourself to some time for you to get a proper cycle.

My bras are cause skin irritation?

You are OK, This is fine we all start sour this way!

Why so young-looking and having sex>?

um that happen to me sometimes it apart of becoming an adult or a teen for you. Your body isn't through growing and essentially you will see some changes.

Should I Be Worried Yet?

your single 12 u should be fine hunni

Do you like ribbed condoms?

1. Uh, you're not even supposed to be on here if you're 12.
2. Why aren't you asking your mother?

Okay I entail some help please?

that is conventional im 14
and i got mine when i first become 13 and it
has lately now gat reguler close to when i first started
it was resembling every 2 months that i got it but now
i receive it every month relax it is normal

I hear that if you put ginger ale in a douche and use it, it will clean you out better?

Thats remarkably normal. As long as you are a virgin nearby is no cause for concern. Your body and hormones are extremely young and they will be irregular due to stress or really anything... my sister used to step months without a cycle. we took her to the doctor but they said she be fine... if it becomes bothersome ask your mom to pocket you to the doctor.

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