Okay... I need some relief please...?

I am being serious right presently... and I know that I need to be checked out and pack a police report but at the moment I am feeling fairly ill and within much pain...I havent have a period for months and I be sexually assauted and now am bleeding. Could it be a extent after 5 months or is there pull? I am scared to walk in and achieve examined... I know I should right... I just dont want to be alone...not a soul to call at 300 am...

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Hi there Jess,
This is so serious. There is no passageway for me, you, or anybody on womenanswers.orgs to know why you're bleeding right now, but that's beisde the point.

Sexual assault is a crime, and you need to return with help as soon as possible. I know you're alarmed, but you MUST get yourself to the nearest emergency room and consent to them know what has happen to you. If you haven't already, don't shower, change clothes, or even brush your teeth, so that the hospital have a better chance of preserving evidence beside the rape kit exam.

Surely you hold at lest ONE good friend that you could phone call on at any hour to be with you, right? If not, you won't be alone at the ER. Request a representative of your local rape crisis center to be next to you. These women will understand what you're going through and be within for you as you go through the exam (if you want them to). Beside the rape paraphernalia, you absolutely want to get checked out and treated for any physical injuries that you may own, as well as this bleeding you're discussion about. They will also back you with emergency contraceptive and counseling.

Don't tolerate fear prevent you from getting the medical attention you NEED right in a minute. I wish I could budge with you myself, but I can't. I fire up you to pick up the phone and call RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) 1-800-656-HOPE. You can telephone them any time of day and they can minister to you----talk to you. They even have online support now at http://www.rainn.org.

I know you're worried to death and want to lately make it adjectives go away, but that's not going to evolve. I can't encourage you satisfactory to 1) get to a hospital and 2) report this crime to the police. Whether or not you want to report this to the police is up to you, but this WAS a crime and it IS illegal, and you are a martyr who didn't do anything wrong. I am so sorry this has happen to you.

Bad knee throbbing?

if you go to emergency you will hold a female nurse or doctor near you, its possibly your period or you are abort the child you have have in you. its stupid to be afraid of doctor, the worst have already happened, it could be other trash too, please get give a hand.

Masturbation :}?

Wait for sometimes and go to your gynaecologist. It is not common perioding after 5 months.


jesslyn, seriously plz go and see ur doc. do u enjoy anyone with u rite very soon? sum1 older or anyone that u trust? ask them to rob u to the hosp. it's abnormal to own a period after not have them for months esp. after a sexual intercourse happen. u might b carrying a infant in ur womb.budge to the emergency. they open 24 hours a time. the bleeding mayb a symptom for sumthg u dont know. the docs wouldnt harm u. even if u be in motion at 3.00am.

Kinda embarrasing question?

it could be a miscarriage you should turn the dr because if it is it could harm your probability of having a child latter on because it could cause some damage

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You may be miscarrying. Seek medical attention immediately. Call 911 if you don't enjoy anyone to take you to the ER. You don't want to run the risk of hemorrhaging and bleeding to release. Go now!

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