Puberty-please back!?

I have a friend who have absolutley no boobs-yet she says she does and I don't. I am also growing armpit hair- really nasty- and enjoy had my spell and she still is going on and on and lying about everything! And I hold on to on having retarded mood swings, please lend a hand I am so confused!

What do i have to do to obtain my period?

Hi there

What you are experiencing is relatively natural - live your energy, do not care just about your friend. Whatever going to come, will come eventually. If you are feeling sick yak to your MD, or family doctor.

Since you hold access to the Internet, check "Wikipedia" for these type of symptoms.

Take care.


Acne, even though I'm using facial cremes?

wat exaly u want 2 know

Women, How can I find rid of cramps? Its killing me!!?

Let's see...You are going through puberty. THe individual way I can aid you is by buying you pads or tampons and a Venus razer

Why do I enjoy bumps on my toe nails?

ditch your so call friend, sounds like she is more stress on you than puberty is, as far as breasts move about don't worry give or take a few them, you will get them contained by time or you won't, yea guys like girls beside breasts and all but it's profusely more important to when the times comes to find a guy that like you for who you are, as far as the rest goes the armpit curls and the menstrual cycles starting talk to your mom in the order of teaching you how to shave your armpits if that is to say what you choose to do, considering you are saying it is callous you might want to do that if not competent to do that talk to your physical instruction teacher provided she is womanly or an older sister conceivably

What are some ways a Dr. could find out if one is infertile?

Well first I wouldn't let her lies receive to you. You know what changes your body is going through and she doesn't. Puberty effect respectively person any male or womanly differently. This includes the body changes Some will hold the changes sooner than others and yes module of going through puberty is mood swings. They are due to the changes within your hormones and will happen during your spell. Your body can go through the change at different times as well. Have a confer with your mother if you own any concerns or worries. She went through what you are going through. If the mood swings are cause you a lot of problems agree to your mom and see a doctor. He can help you . Just don't allowance ls cared to bargain to your mom or doctor. What you are going through is natural.

Tender Breasts!?

she's simply jealous because she really requirements boobs. just rebuke her

Is birth control only available through doctors or is it over the counter too?

They're call hormones. They should subside within the decade.

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