Help me please ladies please relieve me?

Did you think 16 years (17 Saturday) old is to childlike to have sex with a boy you really approaching? I mean I really, really like him we own know each other since second grade and in a minute we are going out. Him and I are both virgins he turned 17 in June and I turn 17 Saturday and he is going to be gone for my birthday and he really wants to enjoy sex with me and I want to have sex beside him but, should we wait until I'm 17 or until we are both 18 or what? I mean we are planning on getting married when I finish college and girls enjoy hit on him tons of times and I don't mind ut every time that happens he always moves away. He is really sweet. His parents don't keeping if he has sex because they think he have had sex before, and my parents know him and deduce he is sweet. So, should we wait to have sex? Thank-you if your time.

Answers:    Do it soundly.
what concerns me is that you say you "really, really like him" you didn't use the word love.. perchance you should wait until those feelings grow stronger. sex should be something between two race who love each other, especially if it's for the first time.

the fact that you're asking complete strangers if they infer you're ready, means you're probably not. you'll know when the right time is, you'll hold no doubts. and now doesn't seem to be that time..
I don't deem you should. Mostly because you don't know if you should. Just because you have known someone for a long time, and because your parents think he's sweet, doesn't mean you should have sex. You can never release this. Remember that.. Your first time should be perfect. If you don't think your arranged, then wait. You might regret not waiting when your elder..
Get Married...

Thatz not the way GOD intended for sex to work. He wants it to be similar to a sacred thing you know.
Yeah yo should, if you love him. i bare you should wat until you graduate. but if you are going to do it PLEASE use som [protection?].
Go for it just make sure that it is what u want and remember to be out of danger ok what is the right age to have sex?? no one really know knows... if you guys really love eachotehr and are both ready for that benevolent of comitment in your relationship... then do it.. but i estimate that you should both sit down and talk about it first. and see if your both in reality ready for it. if you guys do desided to have sex... skulk untill you are on birth control, and make sure you use a condom. i dont care what anyone say and dont listen to them when they say it... SEX IS NOT BETTER WITHOUT A CONDOM... thats like wise saying life is better when you are 17 years old and own a 2 year old son.
huni seriously think going on for this for a while. i made the mistake of having sex with someone who i be in love with... and guess what... i missed sometime of my birth control pill, he didnt use a condom and said "i'll pull out befor i'm done i swear" and i got pregnant. its not straightforward being 15 and having a little one... i'm 17 years old now... and my tot is the one thing that matters the most.. but i regret it adjectives... i can't really find a baby sitter for him... i havnt had the unpredictability to finish high school, and its not straightforward having a full time job and trying to spend time beside my son.
do alot of thinking befor u make the choice.
i hope i helped you out surrounded by some way. i know u love him... but think going on for yourself first.

My opinion is that one should always keep on until after marriage. It a one-time thing, and the best timing for such a bonding is after you've already committed towards the one you really love. Besides, it's in recent times a great feeling knowing that he's fully devoted to you, and for him, vice versa. To keep it brief and simple, yes, I do chew over you and your lover should wait to have sex. Just try not to conduct yourself on impulse. And if you are still really tempted to, engender sure to fully think over it first. My plain suggestion. Hope you'll consider what I've written up. Best of luck with you, and festive birthday to you :]

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