Sex Ed. Help?

I am 17 years old and I only just had sex for the first time ever. I hold severe depression and severe anxiety disorder. I am very unsure of what occured, what is occuring in a minute and what I should do. We had unprotected sex and I am worried that I may become pregnant. What should I do?

Starving on the pill?

Tough--are you seeing a shrink? Tell him/her. If you're not seeing one, talk to your college nurse or school counselor. You can also see your doc. You can pinch a morning-after pill, but you have to lug it within a particular window of time after you enjoy sex. You can go to the ER and bring back one there. But I would start by discussion to someone--if you have a appropriate relationship with your mom, reach a deal to her, or an aunt or another female elder friend. Your first sexual experience can always be confusing adequate, without have to worry around pregnancy and deal near depression/anxiety. You need to parley to someone about it. I hold depression/anxiety disorders, and you have my sympathy. That stuff is tough adequate on its own! Here's a number you can call to sermon to someone if you don't know anyone you feel comfortable discussion with (I've call it before--they're really sweet and helpful): 1-800-448-3000

Here's another good website that you might try looking at, too:

Good luck! *hug*

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You should be more worried about STD's and aids right immediately. Go to a clinic and get checked out and they will provide you free condoms for the next time.

Good luck =)

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There is not much you can do after the fact but lurk...Chances are you are not going to get pregnant..Not this time..but subsequent time you may not be so lucky..Use protection.

What is wrong with me?

See a doctor. Or use tester!!

Period and sex HELP?

You can gain the plan B pill, but only if it's be less than 48 hours I judge. If it's past that time frame, afterwards you just hold to wait and sweat it out to see if your time comes or not.
Be careful of the boy. If he care about you he wouldn't put you through this stress for his own pleasure.
Take comfort of yourself.

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You can go to your doctor and ask for a Plan B pill. This will hang on to you from getting pregnant IF you take it inwardly 72 hours of sex.

Please you condoms on the future. Like the other poster said, getting STDs is much worse than getting pregnant.

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Oh dear. How long ago was this? If it's smaller quantity than a day, you still hold time to take a day-after pill. Any longer than that, and within's not much you can do to prevent a pregnancy if indeed an egg has be fertilised (with unprotected sex, it is very likely).

Unprotected sex also carry with it a risk of STDs. Has your boyfriend be checked out for these before you slept together? It is lamentable that you don't seem to hold been properly literary about the subject, as it is something everyone should be aware of for their own safekeeping and that of their partners.

Please run to your nearest family planning clinic as soon as you possibly can. They will know how to give you any guidance you may need, leaflets etc. Also, don't be afraid to confront one or both of your parents in the region of this. Make it known that you realise your error, and that you requirement support and comfort right now. They may be angry at you, but to be honest, if they havn't sufficiently adjectives you about the risks of unprotected sex, it's as much their reprimand as it is your's or your boyfriend's. They should do everything they can to make sure you're OK.

What is a interval for woman?

Go to a doc. right away. especially if you are a girl cuz ya you might be pregnant.

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I have anxiety too girl. Its a tough point to have as a youth becuz there is so much to verbs about everyday anyway.But because of my anxiety if i ever be to have sex psyche make sure to use a condom . Its too much pressure to be putting on yourself to own to worry just about something as big as that when you already have anxiety. I need i had adjectives the answers for you cuz i know how it feels. If you are competent to id call round a free clinic in your town..planned parenthood or a local vigour department. Im pretty sure both places are free and confidential, and im sure thats important to you. You made a mistake, its cause you some worry, and im sure you will come away beside knowing how to handle this situation contained by the future.

closing thing...if you believe surrounded by God..pray. Hes pulled me out of everything...situations very similar to this several times. He's listening..and he'll serve.
I really hope im not freakin you out with adjectives this lol but im here to listen too if ya need it. Im equal age, have anxiety too and i know what ur going thru!

Cramps! I hold tried EVERYTHING I can think of..!! Please aid!!?


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Ok if you have unprotected sex you need to travel see a doctor for a pregnancy test . your doc will explain your option from there

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