Girls on bith control PLEASE serve.?

I decided to skip the placeobs contained by my pack and start a fresh pack to skip my birth control pill...well it substandard miserably. I did everything right but during the 2nd week I started spotting..this lasted for two more weeks where on earth I now hold my actual period. I'm bleeding close to crazier. Heavier than Ive ever been...I go thru 3 tampons and leaked contained by 8 hours. Is this normal? ?

Lesson learned= NEVER skip period.


Female Question?

Its never healthy to skip a term. If you go to your Dr's organization and get bad the current pill you are on, they will make you be past its sell-by date the pill for about a month and you can restart the pill over again and regain your cycle.

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My doctor told me I could do this, every once and a while.
I did it this month and I own been have the exact same problem.
Try not to worry in the order of it too much, it'll be over soon.
Looks like we both cultured our lesson.

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hmm...i skip my period so that i lone ever have a time of year every six weeks or so...the other month i skipped it so that i didn't have a time of year for two months and i got breakthrough bleeding. So yes the spotting is or can be run of the mill. As for the period human being heavier i just find some months heavier afterwards others even though i haven't made any changes to the pill i hold. I'd go see your doctor and see if he can put you on a different pill that may support you be able to Skip period a little better...i devise some pills are better then others at achieve this

When can i start taking my new pill?

It is impeccably safe for you to skip your time of year while taking birth control. You need to produce sure that you are taking a form of birth control pill that has one and the same levels of hormones within every tablet. If it has different level (some birth control packs will own levels of hormone that 'step up' respectively week), these types of birth control are very difficult but for impossible to skip periods beside.
Check with your doctor around the levels of the hormones contained by you birth control pack to see if they are the same every morning or different. If the levels are different, and you still want to skip a time of year, ask to be switched to a birth control that has one and the same levels of hormones respectively day, this will create it easier for you.
You should probably resume taking your pills as normal until you can grasp these answers from your doctor.
Good luck.

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You should not be on birth control unless you are sexually active or are have trouble with your menstrual cycle. The pills enjoy changed drastically and if there are placebos to clutch before you start taking the birth control in the pack and you do something save for prescribed why go to the doctor for birth control at adjectives. The menstrual cycle is nothing to play next to. Try and not play with birth control it can result in you to become pregnant before you want to if you are sexually moving. There are books that you can read on menstruation and the does and don'ts. God Bless!

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