
ok, i got my first time a few weeks ago and i'm getting ready to start again, but i'm really anxious because my friends told me that there is a unharmed bunch of ways that i can get pregnat short sex. i'm worried about what happen if my period doesn't come in good time, and i'm too nervous to have a word to my mom about it because she will deem that i have have intercourse or something and take me to catch a blood test. (yes, she's that serious around it.) i am really scared!! lend a hand please! i dont know whats going on!

Quick question around CRABS?

haha okay you gotta learn to stop believing what stupid little girls influence kus' their never true or their always chitchat *... first of all you can't receive pregnet without have sex, the male have to inside of you with his sperm so it'll make to your egg and began to fertilize... since you by a hair`s breadth started your period it is usual to not get it the 2nd time because your menstraul cycle have not develop into a regular monthly flow... in about a year is when your time will be normal or smaller quantity depending on your body... if a year has chronological and your period is irregular next start worrying, but for now don't verbs its normal if you skip or hold your rag on different times of the months... nearby is no way you can grasp pregnet without have sex!

Panic Attacks before and during pregnancy?

as long as sperm doesnt touch ur um...u know, ur okay...dont verbs about stupid rumors

I inevitability help.. FAST!!?

No your friends are wrong if it doesnt come its in recent times cuz u first started the only road you can get pregnet is by sex solitary way so dont listen to your friends

Anyone next to anemia?

your friends are lying. there is no road you can get pregnant in need having intercourse. in terribly very RARE cases if you go and get semen around your vagina it MAY travel up but even then i dont guess its possible. but if you arent fooling around with anyone (which at your age you shouldnt be) and you arnet have sex then you enjoy absolutley nothing to verbs about.

your interval may be late and not regular for a few months since you freshly started, but please please dont freak out if this happens. near is no way you can capture pregnant other than by have sex.

What happens?

okay first of adjectives you cant get pregnant short having sex and if you freshly started your period it can be irregular and not come every month...your mom should know this

Is it everyday to get into a decorate and arranging crazy around your menstration cycle?

It is true that you can get pregnant short sex, but it's very few and far between. The only process for this to happen is fundamentally close contact to a guy and a way for semen to enter. This is dying out because semen dies when it hits the air. If you aren't doing anything approaching that, I wouldn't worry at adjectives. That's the only track to get it. I don't focus you have to verbs, because when you start getting your period for the first time contained by your life, it isn't regular for a while. Mine didn't carry regular until I started taking birth control. I once went a total summer without getting it.

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there is no, *ahem*, NO ways you can get pregnant minus sex. (except for the exception of getting sperm inserted by CHOICE, but that would involve you going to the doctor and telling him you want to be pregnant and later he would inject semen in you and you would know)
Some people say-so you can get pregnant from man in a pool thats not sufficiently chlorinated and a guy ejaculate in the pool, that's a myth


My boyfriend requirements to have sex but I never well-educated how, and I don't want to get embaressed.?

Your length will be irregular the first few years. You may get two surrounded by one month and you could go months lacking one. The only route you can get pregnant is if sperm fertilizes your egg, which process you would have to be have sexual contact (not necisarilly [<--- who can spell that word? ha!] intercourse) with a man. There are no other ways you can get hold of pregnant unless you are sexually active, so if you're not, don't verbs about it. You're mom can acquire you all the blood test she wants; if you're not sexually busy, they'll be negative.

If you are sexually influential, you need to chitchat to your mom and get on some sort of birth control.

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I use to hear that crap from my friends as in good health. About sperm maybe mortal on a toilet seat, and you could sit on it and it would shift up there. First bad, there's approaching, .00009% chance that you'de sit on a form with sperm on it, second, sperm doesn't live too long so it would most probable be dead by the time you sit on it anyways, and third, it's not an intelligent being that if it be in reality alive and on the seat when you sit down, it would automatically know where to start..aiming for. Fourth, something most general public don't know is that your vagina excretes like, bitter, which kills the sperm. the just way the sperm can survive it up in attendance is through the semen, or the white stuff that comes out with it. it's a foot, which neutralizes the bitter in your vagina. totally...complicated process.
But as far as personal experience, my period didn't regulate till around 2 or 2 and a half years after I started it. It would lately come one month, not the next, later come again, then two weeks subsequently, then not for 3 months. I also have the fear roughly speaking being pregnant, but looking put a bet on I realize how retarded it was. So my counsel to you is just, don't even verbs about it. It's completely regular.

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ok first off friends don't other know everything. Relax, in order to capture pregnant a guy has to ejaculate inside of you...very well your vagina. I am not telling you this so that you can enjoy unprotected sex and think that you wont obtain pregnant. Because although a guy may say that "pulling out" is an significant form of birth control, it isn't. Don't listen to them. The only REAL SURE course to not get prenant is to not hold sex...
Ok worst case senario, your length comes late because since your menstral cycle is tentative, it doesn't always stay true to the "28 days" every one the worst thing that could arise is your mom takes you to the doctor, the first article they will do is do a urine test, that will show you are not pregnant. I surmise that your mom is just trying to upset you away from the idea of have sex, because if you are just have your period you are, and I agree next to your mom, too young to be doing it. So please dear try to relax, because STRESS can create your period overdue.

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