Shouldn't I be expecting by presently?

How many times do I hold to have sex to bring back pregnant? My period is supposed to come within a few days and I have be having sex lacking protection for about 2 weeks. Shouldn't I be pregnant by immediately?

Why is my breast leaking milk?

It's not going on for how many times, but if truth be told when you did it. Normal woman ovulate about two weeks after thier length. Since you say its be two weeks, you may have caught the right timing. You can't be sure on the other hand as you haven't had a missed term. You're better off waiting to see if you miss your time and then bring a at home pregnancy test. Good Luck

Is it adjectives for an 18 year old to own their hair trickle out strand by strand? Why is it doing this?

no you may never get pregnant

Any planning?

We realy can't give you a well brought-up answer for that. We don't know anything about the type of medication you might be taking for..capably, anything, How stressful your life is, And most importantly, if you own any fertility issues. The one you should be talking to is your doctor. They know more more or less you than we do.

Barely spotting after provera?

There is never a guerentee to get pregnant so maintain on trying and hopefully things will go your road. Some people can hold sex once and others it takes alot more. Good Luck and agree to me be the one to tell you ahead of time if you do gain pregnant, Congratulations.

Does Plan B make you extra fertile after taking it?

You could enjoy sex once and get pregnant or hold sex 5 times a day for 5 years and not seize pregnant. There is only one sure style to tell. A pregnancy assessment. If you are overly anxious as it appears you are, you are more likely NOT to become pregnant. Just relax.

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