Normal for Peri menopause?

I am quickly heading into Menopause(52 years old). Haven't have a period since November. My cross-question: is it normal to enjoy all the signs of starting a period(cramps, turbulent ups and downs, bloating)and just not bleed? This have been going on every month, approaching usual, just no bleeding! I've gain inches and I'm sure some of it is fluid. Suppose to start this weekend. I see my Gyno the first of May...but I just inevitability to know if any of you other ladies are or have experienced this.

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I have of late started this wonderful thing call peri-menopause. I am 42 years old and own had 4 children and 1 miscarriage. I hold just taken a pregnancy audition, which by the way be negative, again. It seem to me that since I started this stage of my life I hold taken more and more pregnancy tests!! LOL Luckily, they enjoy all come vertebrae negative. Anyway, I unquestionably have have months where within was no interval but felt as if nearby was gonna be. I return with the moods, the bloating, some cramping and nothing happen. My poor husband says its gonna be a extremely trying time going through this--and it isn't even him going through it. I actually resembling the not having my time thing, but what really irritates me is not knowing WHEN I'm gonna attain it. I feel approaching I'm 13 again and unsure of when I'm gonna start bleeding all over the place!! Ummm, basically a suggestion, if you have a partner, you might want to receive a pregnancy test. I've be told that age doesn't matter of late as long as your getting your period. Sorry!! Good luck to you within all aspects of this.

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I am a Homeopath and have help hundreds of women in overcoming the symptoms lacking any side effects or complications, for complete information about the symptoms please call on the sites given below :-

Here are the Homeopathic Treatment(s) for Menopause Symptoms :-

Aversion to bathing; tiresome, loosing weight; hot and itchy emotion Sulphur 200, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Melancholic, irritable and talkative long-suffering. Burning sensation all over the body. Cannot accept touch even of clothes. Dark coloured haemorrhage. Distressing headache, palpitaion and haemorrhoids. Worse after sleep Lachesis 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Weeping disposition; changeable anger; hot perspiration in close and heat room; loss of thirst; desire for open,cold nouns Pulsatilla 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Tired feeling due to over work; light, flabby, relaxed and chilly patient Calcarea Carb 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Tall, scrawny, easily depressed lenient; dislikes sympathy. Bearing down pains, haemorrhage with prolapsus of uterus; leucorrhoea near dyspepsia or constipation. Hot flushes; tendency to woozy Sepia 200 or 1M weekly (3 Doses)

Small bones is painful contained by morning with tartness; dirty coated tongue; filthy taste and fruitless breath; pallore and chilliness; worse in cold weather. Facial neuralgia due to suppression of leucorrhoea; better sea side Medorrhinum 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Rheumatism of muscles of the spinal column and soreness of neck.Violent headache; tolerant feels as if top of the manager is torn off Actaea Racemosa 30, 4 hourly

Physical symptoms disappear as mental symptoms develop. Arrogant and proud lenient; contempt for others. Excessive bleeding of dark clotted blood beside pain contained by ovaries. Nymphomania Platina 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses) .

No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and preserve the medicines away from direct sunlight, steam strong smells and perfumes and do not store them contained by the fridge.

Take Care and God Bless You !

What is wrong with me?!!!! Please with the sole purpose girls.?

When your periods stop you are contained by menopause, not perimenopause. Your symptoms could be symptoms of ovarian problems (except the emotional ones). Cramps, bloating and mass gain can be ovarian cancer. Please see your doc sooner.

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