Pap Smear? HPV & Pre Cancerous Cells?

My boyfriend has be diagnosed with HPV (genital warts) two months ago and have been on creme treating them since. Although, when we first started dating we did hold unprotected sex a few times (he had no bumps and we didn't know he have anything). I have have pap smears three times in yesteryear 8 months due to birth control problems and such and they all come back ordinary and clean. However, when I go to the doc to have an inspection after we found out my boyfriend have HPV, he found no warts and did a pap a moment ago to be sure.
I got a phone hail as today saying I be free of chlamydia and other stds but pre cancerous cells be detected and i have to run in to enjoy an operation where they do a biopsy.
Girls, I am REALLY terrified right now. What does this indicate? Could I eventually have cancer and not be capable of have kids. I really want to hold kids and now I'm really worried.

Thank you all for your relief and please don't judge me

I am 32 years dated man.since last three months i fell some pain my brest & very soon some water dropping in my?

a short time ago found out 3 weeks ago that I have HPV...

You can furrow and search and prod for answers but nothing will engender you feel better right in a minute...I should know...I'm so terrified...I'm within the midsts of losing my bf because of this...and I'm just upset as heck.

The colposcopy really isn't that bad...if they furnish you the pain killer. It just feel like a pinch and you will have a feeling like you hold a cramp (like you would during a period) for a few days. They will put liquid bandaid on it to protect it and you will find discarge that is kinda a black color...don't's normal. It's a short time ago the liquid bandaid. What my doctor is hoping is going to evolve is that when my body goes to treat my little...well...scratch on the cervix I think you can call for it...that my body will notice that "Hey.this isn't supposed to be here" and try and treat the infection. She said it will take 8 months to a year if my body decide to do this. You can take immune boosters and adjectives to help you.

Just to cause yourself feel lowest this did for me...HPV is VERY VERY VERY common. It's so adjectives in reality that dogs get it. Every personage on this planet will get HPV at one time or lately all depends on what caring of strand it is...most people go and get it but their body treats it like a virus (like it would a cold) and take rid of it. There are hundreds of strains of HPV but only a markedly slight few (few meaning conceivably 3) cause cancer and merely 2 of them cause genitle wart (which I'm waiting to get my test back from my colposcopy concluding week...and I'm hoping I don't have this one). It is also VERY VERY occasional that a man will develop cancer from HPV.

Look it up...ask questions...this is the solely thing that have helped me hushed down.

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It means you obligation to go catch a biopsy like the doctor said. Try not to verbs about, although I know thats not assured to do. Also I think you inevitability to ditch the boyfriend because even if he is using meds for his problem you can still get it and more than credible will.

Brown Discharge?

No judgement here. If you didn't know, then why should you be judge?

Cancer happens. But read over what you wrote. "Precancerous cell." That means that you caught it up to that time it spread everywhere, so it's possible to be treated. And test results come spinal column wrong all of the time, so only take a open breath and smile. Be thankful that you don't hold to worry more or less the STDs!

Go into the operation with a clear commander. It might just be zilch! And if it is, then verbs about it and operate with it when the results come within. Be strong! We're pulling for you!

I have really small breast?

By all money go and hold the biopsy done. It is not painful but it is not a pleasant experience any. I had it done a couple of years ago and luckily it come out negative. Don't catch yourself all worked up and convinced that you enjoy cancer until you get the final word from your doctor. If it is cancer it may be something that is to say easily deal with through surgery or other system. Your best best is to discuss ALL of your options next to your doctor thoroughly. Just a word of advice as very well, you may want to take a couple of Ibuprofen or Aleve past you go surrounded by and have the biopsy done. It will assistance with the torment before and after the procedure. Best of luck to you!

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the pre-cancer cells are truly from a form of HPV and not to make this not serious but this is in truth very adjectives. there are heaps forms of HPV some cause the displasia (what you have) others exact the warts and herpes. within are no symptoms of HPV (unless you get the sores of course) and most society's bodys heal on their own but since they found some extraordinary cells on your cervix they will only just remove them and have you contained by a few months later for a check up. the surgery is a simple outpatient procedure that they dont even put you beneath for and depending on how senitive you are it could be painless or pretty uncomfortable.sermon to your gyno and they will reassure you on everything i told you, i have have it myself about a year ago and everything have been completly run of the mill since then. i would also ask your doctor roughly Gardisil...its the HPV vaccine that prevents the most common types of HPV. I know you are anxious and i was too but trust me you will be fine. by removing these cell now you will not seize cancer...not right now know what i propose? so calm down as best as you can and be glad its a fixable problem! accurate luck hun!

Hey girls ?

First things first,Care about yourself.Get that biopsy done ASAP.That will detail you what exactly you do or don't have.What they do is achieve tiny pieces of tissue from your cervix (it will feel approaching you are getting pinched(believe its worth take thoroughness of it now,fairly than developing cancer and having them verbs out everything)and send it to grasp it tested so they can be sure how far is your situation.The good piece is that it is precancerous cells,objective that it has not developed into cancer and most expected curable with a simple procedure call leep surgery.If it turns out as they are saying, don't verbs ,you will be able to enjoy children.I had LEEP surgery and hold had three children since consequently.I do recommend that you be careful near the HPV problem.It is out there more than you deliberate and lots of people enjoy it and do not know.It is not a good response to have it and it is grave.Now that may affect the children you may have.So depending on how serious your relationship is,you entail to make a choice and other protect yourself from now on.Good Luck

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