Can I come inside her if she's on birth control?

My girlfriend just started taking birth control. Does this donate me free reign to come inside her all I want or should I think twice? I also want to know how long she has to pinch it before it's potent.

I am was taking birth control the pill, but after i stopped like 3 wks after i stopped i get my period and two?

I would agree to her go a couple weeks or even one month of man on it for it to be more effective.use condoms within the meantime. The first two weeks if she is taking the pill are pretty low dose so after she gets her length then her body should be pretty accustomed to it. If it is some other birth control similar to the patch well consequently I would at least hand over it two weeks to let her system attain used to it. At least your individual smart about it and not taking the prospect.
Oh and yes you can come inside her all you want later.have fun

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She have to take it a full month previously she is safe, and even afterwards it is only 99.9% successful, just approaching a condom

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As much as you similar to.

Women only comfort?

It take one month for the pill to become important. It protects from pregnancy but not STDs.

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its effective from the moment she starts taking it but ego wait a week or so to gross sure. having sex beside out a condom increases the risk of the female getting cervical cancer all the same it is more pleasurable for both parts. and yes it is safe to come inside her but simply remember whats goes up, must come down!

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the only article that is 100% fool proof is penny-pinching. and she needs to be on it a full month for it to be forceful, I have agreed women to still get pregnant on birth control pills. so a short time ago use ur judgment on this

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It can nick up to 1 full month for the pill to become fully effective. And even after that time , you should still be wary.
The pill is not 100% safe. It is still possible that she could go and get pregnant while taking it.

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my doc told me it would take a month (an entire pill pack) for the pill to be influential and after that month/pill pack it would be 99.9% effective

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You can come inside her adjectives you want, she will NOT be 100% protected, even with birth control. You hold a slimmer chance of getting her pregnant, but I've hear women get pregnant on contraceptives from pills to shots to tubes tied.

And, the lone thing that protects you from STD's are condoms.

Pms sustain!?

Are you ready to be a father? Then wear a condom also! If she forgets to embezzle the pills or is on medication such as an antibiotic your girlfriend could still become pregnant. I would always fairly be safe than sorry.

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