Girls Only!!?

When i have my operiod i close to to use tampons, but my mom thinks they are the source of my cramps, are they?

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Hey. I've used both tampons and pad before and seirously I have cramps with tampons and I have them with pad too!. I guess tampons could cause some cramping but mostly it is only just a side effect of having your interval and I dont think the remedy you use really effects it too much. If you are super curious try using pad once and tampons once and see if theres a difference. Hope this helped, nick care!

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well i would stick to pads because they are easier and that may be tru.not suree.sorry

I involve serious help, so please backing! :-(?

everyone gets cramps while on their time of year
tampons do not cause you cramp up

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you get cramps beside or without tampons.. thats merely a symptom of have your extent

I dont understand women.?

Tampons play no member in the cramps you experience. I recommend Motrin. Works the best for me and usually in minutes! But make sure you hold it with food.

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yes. tampons cause cramps really unpromising when your bleeding heavy. i receive them too because i use nothing but tampons

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Tampons shouldn't hurt as long as you don't leave them surrounded by too long. The cramps are from your period, not the tampons.

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No. The source of cramps is your entire uterine inside layer is being eliminate from your body. Ouch!! Cramps!!

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no i use them and they aren't. if u have cramps (like desperate ones) take midol it really help

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yes because i remember we have to go to this entity on periods and they said that tampons can front to serious cramps because the person who be talking more or less it to us said she used tampons at first and it made her get cramps she later switched to pads and get no more cramps so i would go to using cramps if i be you


Yes and depends on what day be talking give or take a few...if my period is really bleak, on day 1 I can't use a tampon because it creates more discomfort to my cramps. It's not exactly the cause of your cramps simply an xtra annoyance to the whole process.

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i dont know but we dont want to know what you use when you own your period

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Tampons don't engender you have cramps. Cramps are only just part of have your period. If might hold something to do with what you're consumption, whether you're exercising or not, any of those things that effect your body. Everyone gets cramps from time to time on their spell.

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A lot of women get cramps whether they use tampons or pad. Try going through two periods using pad instead and see if it helps the cramps. If not you'll know the tampons are not to blame. I am a big enthusiast of pamprin and midol. It helps near most of the symptoms of the menstrual cycle not just the backache and cramps but fatigue and bloating and stuff.

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Tampons are not the source of your cramps. Your cramps are occuring because your are ovulating - your uterus is contracting in order to draw from rid of its lining.

If your cramps tight, try to get more exercise - the endorphines released when you exercise can serve with the spasm. Taking Midol or ibuprofen will help too. If they are really doomed to failure, speak with a gynocologist give or take a few taking a birth control pill that may help near the cramping.

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Honestly, I do not think they are the source of your cramps. Cramps transpire when your uterus contracts to shed the lining. If I be you, I wouldn't stop using tampons (as long as you change the tampon often). I would a moment ago drink more water because that help to shed your lining faster and make you cramp less. Another great entity to do to lessen cramps is to exercise.

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No , I always use tampons .
& even when I purloin out the tampons & wear pads .
I still receive cramps .
so don't worry , use tampons , but form sure you
don't leave them within too long .

What doctor would i go to if?

No, girls other get that when they enjoy their period.I'm also not too impressed by the heading under your picture.

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No, tampons do not do cramps. They can make you more humiliated if you are not using the right size or leave them within for too long. As long as you change them as directed. and use a size that fits your body, you shouldn't enjoy a problem.

What could this be?

Tampons can be the source of your cramps because the blood is not flowing freely. When you use a tampon, the blood cannot and does not flow freely--the blood is suppressed by the tampon, which causes blood clots (because once again, the blood is not flowing freely). Whereas, when using a wipe, there is zilch stopping the menstrual blood from coming out.

But, tampons may not be the source. You can just go and get really bad cramps.
Some ethnic group just obtain really bad cramps, whether they use tampons or not, while some do not.

Severe mentrual cramps is call -Dysmenorrhea. Talk to your GYN or doctor. My doctor prescribed prescription medicine for my cramps. Its call Naproxen 500 mg.

Good Luck

My 14 year old daughter have a ovarian cyst rupture.?

no. i get cramps near or without them.

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Yes moms are always right. sometime the tampons may end in cramps

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