If u have sex does ur vagina get bigger -n- if it does how can u make it smaller!?


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Your vagina is made of exceptionally pliant skin; it will stretch to accommodate a penis and after return to its commonplace shape. If you are concerned, swot up how to make Kegel exercises and practice them normally.

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it doesnt capture bigger...merely looser..if someone is that type that continues to enjoy sex adjectives the time.it should snap hindmost into shape if she hold back from sex for a few days. afterwards it will be nice and tight.

I am 14 am a girl i conjecture alot around sex and i hold sex next to my pillow is this majority or what can i do to stop

it single get for a while bigger for the time you hold sex, afterwards it will return to it's regular size contained by a few hours. unless you're putting something inside within i.e. hugely gooey, approaching a soda can, after it will still return to it's majority size, but will be a bit larger than ordinary

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it can go and get adjectives stretched out and lose ^_^ usually surrounded by time it will be in motion backbone to conventional. i hear doing pelvic exercises help

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it depends on the vagina and what be reluctant you put within it beside
the mannish penis after a convinced time it go smaller if they enjoy not have sex

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there are these vagina ball you can use to tighten up your muscles. you put them surrounded by and your muscles automatically contract to hold on to them from falling out!

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Based on the wording (and spelling) of your interview, I'd guess you're pretty youthful. Here's my standard sexual guidance for youthful people--don't consent to anybody rush you into anything, and don't dribble away your time or risk your robustness beside anyone who doesn't respect you as a human person. Making sex a piece of your time brings a integral current world of emotion, worries, and potential problems that you should be glad you don't own to agreement next to but. Now, on to the information you asked for.

When you own sex, you stretch get underway to accommodate the guy. You'll tighten subsidise up after an hour or so, but regular sex will fashion you perceptibly more springy. This is a apt piece; otherwise you'd bruise and rip. Don't verbs in the region of "staying tight," newly exercise to strengthen your vaginal muscles.

I'll also mention that if you enter into a long-term sexual relationship, your vagina will "learn" the size and shape of your lover's penis, and will adjust itself to fit him, making you both pretty pleased.

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your vagina can't win bigger or looser, it be made to push out a tot's herald and it be also made to be..how do i put this "stretchy"...so no sex can't revision the size of your vagine

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The vagina is a muscle. Kegel exercises can strength the muscle. The vagina stretches to accomodate a penis and to own a toddler.
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