Abortion pill?

i am hearing that in attendance is a pill, powder, or liquid that would end in an abortion if taken for a few days if taken about week after have sex. has anyone hear of this? please i need to know! serious answers lone. someone i know who is a young man is person told that his girlfriend was pregnant and that after she took this drink or pill or doesn`t matter what that the baby be gone. i don't believe what she is saying, but i want to spawn sure.

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There are two types of "abortion" pills.

The first is the Morning After Pill (MAP)...this is actually a 2-pill set. It must be taken in the first 72 hours after unprotected sex in establish to PREVENT implantation of a potentially fertilized egg. It doesn't actually do an abortion. And most often it cause heavy bleeding in cases where on earth a pregnancy could not have be diagnosed in the first place (since the implantation never took place).

The second is RU-486, and to my skill is not available in the US (though I could be wrong). This can be taken surrounded by the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, and will cause a spontaneous miscarriage (spontaneous abortion).

Both of these methods are greatly high doses of hormones that can effect all sorts of problems beside a woman's cycles, and should only be used as an emergency guess.

I would tend to think that it be the second option IF one be even used at all. My other thought is that this girl be just messing next to this young man. Tell him to wear a cagoule the next time he requirements to go out and play!

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=\ i dont give attention to that's right. there's solitary the morning after pill which you need to clutch within i reckon 48 hours and it's called plan B, and that's the single thing i know of!

Have you ever started spotting or bleeding at the wrong time due to stress or anger or irritation?

The morning after pill is now available over the counter if you are 18+. . But RU 486, the "abortion pill" is different..and this is if you are DEFINITELY pregnant and you must see a doctor for that.

Please give an account you friend to read the facts, and see a doctor ASAP.

My little cousin has stretch grades on her sideand we are trying to figure out how to receive rid of them?

there is an abortion pill.. you take it according to procedure inside 12 weeks of pregnancy and it works. you can get it at planned maternity and is much much better than an abortion. i highly recommend it. here is no other thing that you can lug that will work... do not play with anything close to herbs, other pills etc as they can clear you sick or be dangerous or incentive worse problems. however the abortion pill works well, it is call RU486, ask for it at planned parenthood. I enjoy also heard it MAY be availbel over the counter at pharamcies so you can try local drug stores within your area and see if they hold it... but it is better to go through planned motherhood as they will make sure you do it correclty

Serious press?

there is such a things as the morning after pill you can take after 48hrs of unprotected sex! if pregant within is an abortion pill u take up to 8 weeks of pregancy! abortion pills sometimes dont work and u can still be pregant if your dont do it right!! abortion in our time are $440 depending on where your live?!

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Please don't take it. Take birth control or dont' own sex if you don't want to get pregnant. It's not balanced for the baby, how would you approaching it if your mother did that to you? If you get pregnant and don't want the little one, put it up for adoption.

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i heard bout it too but nt know anything bout it srry

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