If I go past its sell-by date the Birth Control Pill, will I get another time?

I went sour the Pill 3 days ago. I've been sense really nauseous, dizzy. I could by a hair`s breadth walk yesterday and be going to fall over if i didn't own something to hold on to. Then I noticed profoundly of blood in my underwear. I go to the doctors but the misdiagnosed me, I think. Could it be the pill? I also hold a lot of pregnancy symptoms. So i'm worried.

Are females suppose to shave their pubic hair?

Yes you'll grasp another period...you're body is readjusting to not have the hormones in birth control surrounded by your body. Usually the first period or two rotten the pill will be bad...you don't call for to worry

Ortho Tricyclen Lo & late/no interval?

Yes you will have a interval every time the month packet of pills run out, and its usually after about 2 days. you could be pregnant if you have been taking the pill correctly according to what it say on the instructions (different pills need to be taken differently) but if you own, i wouldn't be worrying.
your probably getting the symptoms because you worrying so much. when you believe something is really happening, it begin too. its a psychological thing.

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