Is it too much?
If you enjoy trouble walking as a result then you've masturbated too much. Otherwise you're fine.
As long as you aren't causing stomach-ache to yourself, you can do it as much as you feel comfortable beside.
yes you can hurt you self if you do it to much but the most can happen is you bruise your insides
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In my opinion, nearby is no such thing as too much masturbation. It is a completely run of the mill occurance in ages 1-99. If it become the only entry you do, then possibly that is too much. You are reaching parenthood and your body is going through things that leads you to self please yourself. Hormones are at their max at the moment, after a few years your masturbation should dwindling.I don't give attention to so. It's only too much if it starts taking over your time. I know that sounds silly, but it happens.
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