
"due to ethical reasons" i would recommend that you visit a doctor or a specialist so you can hold a better opinion in the order of the subject.

ok whats ethical mean exactly.?
explain ALL you can.
best answer will be choosen thankfulness.

Answers:    1)Of, relating to, or dealing with nouns.
2)Being in accordance next to the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession. See synonyms at moral.
3)Of or relating to a drug dispensed solely on the prescription of a physician.
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ethical: pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong within conduct.

So basically, it's an adjective used to describe, within this case, the moral signifigance of visit the doctor. This is out of contex but I'm assuming there would be a definate wrong or right contained by visting the doctor.

Being ethical means you are exhibiting moral, adjectives, honest, righteous, virtuous, or honorable behavior.

Get it?
The doctor be telling you that he/she does not hold the proper training or knowledge to support you in the road that you need to be help. It would be morally wrong for him to advise you on something he have no expertise in. He could receive assumptions, but that would violate the first part of his oath, which is DO NO HARM.

If he is not a doctor, next absolutely, he should recommend that you see one that would be appropriate for your situation. That would be the morally right point to do.
uhh im not so sure a doctor will help you much beside morality... but ethical has to do next to morality, and it is not set in stone. (it is sorta set within paper if you are sector of a religion).

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