My girl had doomed to failure pains after we had sex she couldnt move propley please lend a hand?


Possible UTI?

I had one and the same problem..but the pain other came and go, but one time it didnt go. I go to the doctors and see gave me an internal exam and she said that it be either my appendix or something get to do with my feminine organs. She referred me up to the hospital and me and my fiance were up nearby very nearly 12 hours, because of adjectives the tests that have to be done. It turned out I had an infection in my womb so I chew over that if your gf is still in niggle then she should move about to the doctors because its not supposed to hurt during or after sex so it obviously money something is wrong. Good Luck!

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if you have hard sex after thats usual until she gets use to it. i would suggest her going to her DR and have a chat to her about it

Help! Experience?

your freshly toooooooo good

Why do I bring back irregular periods?

she probally have bad cramps exact she had her term of cause she drank or ate past having sex

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You could have hurt her by going to rough or you could enjoy poped into her uterus. Though she should be fine My boyfriend did that to me one time but it was adjectives better the next daylight.!

Health problems?

u have to be carefull man some chicks are super sensitive to rough sex u also might want to consider ur length and be careful near position like have her legs up on ur shoulders i had that surface to me and and almost every long term relationship iv have in one luggage i started bleeding bright bright red blood not like the common monthly stuff oh and make sure u explain to her that if anything doesnt be aware of right she should tell u right consequently and not after that is really momentous most females feel approaching they shouldnt ruin the moment bc there within pain i be one of them and good luck

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It could be a choice of things. Some women have uteruses that are tilted and that can motive pain during sex or if she's not accustomed to your size/depth it can rationale pain. The best article she can do is see her physician. Most are pretty good more or less determining the cause and giving favourable suggestions. I know a couple who had to come up next to interesting postions due to the tilt of her uterus.

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