Why Am I Always Bloated?

My face, my arms, my boobs, my stomach are other bloated. I feel approaching a ballon sometimes. Even when I'm on diets, like shipment watchers, I still have this problem. It's cause me to look a 5-10 pounds heavier than I actually am.

Even as a bit kid, my mom said I would just puff up changeably. What is it? I also have a unyielding time losing weight, my metabolism is intensely slow and I'm only 23 years prehistoric. Everyone else in my family-parent's and siblings are constricted. My extended family on both side's not a soul my age has a weightiness problem, all my girl cousins are a size 4 or smaller quantity. I do have one aunt (maternal) that have a thyroid problem. But, everyone else(including adults) is average, thin. I'm not. I've struggled near my weight my together life and I be thin surrounded by high academy for about 4 years. I get extremely heavy after and gain 30 in three years. Has nil to do with college, b/c I lived at home.

Does PMS gain 'better' after each tot?

Perhaps you have too much sodium contained by your diet?

Also, your kidneys could not be functioning properly, you should speak with your doctor and own them test you.

Anyone have a hysterectomy?

Sounds like hose weight.Take this exam.Press the tips of your fingers into your ankles right above the ankles.If your skin stays mashed contained by and does not return to normal right away when you consent to go you could hold fluid.Go see your Dr for a fluid pill to get rid of it if you do.

I havent have my period but, at all, and ive be getting brown discharge. any explananation?

Have you been to the dctr abt this? Hve you be on alot of diets? Maybe you are lacking a vitamn or smethg similar to that..Best if you go to the dctr and permit them run some blood work... Dont worry I to hve a Thin famly ((( merely not me)) and i knw how it feels to b the one next to a weight prblm. sometimes i perceive really bloatd too and i think mine is not engh fiber

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