Anyone have a hysterectomy?

would like to know if anyone have had a hysterectomy and if so how are you idea any problems etc - my mum will be having one soon so would close to to hear form people who hold had it. She will be have a abdominal hysterectomy. Thanks

How do you stop these hot flushes?

I had a laparotomy (abdominal surgery) hysterectomy going on for 4 years ago. I had adhesion from 2 previous c-sections that essentially "saran wrapped" organs together that should move independently of each other. That be the most painful member. The hysterectomy was tight afterwards but gets better. Best to start moving asap afterwards to avoid adhesion. They can start growing immediately after any surgery. As for how it will affect her long permanent status really depends on if she is having a simple hysterectomy (uterus only) or a strong hysterectomy (uterus and ovaries removal). If she is having a sweeping hysterectomy she may have to travel on hormone therapy. If she is newly having her uterus removed and keeping her ovaries (like I did) later everything should go on as usual next to the exception of no more periods. ( a plus contained by my book!)
Just be there to support her and serve her when she gets out of the hospital. Being around to serve out with errands and chores is the best item you can do so she can get the rest she requirements to heal lacking worry or guilt. Your mom is really lucky to have such a concerned and assiduous son/daughter. I wish you both the best. Wish her a glad mother's day for me. I hope adjectives goes very well.

Period question?

When a woman have a hysterectomy, her hormones changes... everthing will's up to your mother to stay healthy by intake healthy, excercising, taking vitamins, etc...Just be by her side...

Is it possible?

I know it's not alike but it's meant to be resembling a C-Section so my friend said when she had hers

Girls please support;; im very curious?

my mum have one last year and they also removed a cancerous growth ,she also have 6 months of cemo,she is 75 and now she is fine,a cat scan give her the all clear a few months ago.
I am sure your mum will be fine.
hope she gain well soon.

Today on Rachael Ray she have a Doctor on who said that certain panties rationale cellulite ?

I had a full hysterectomy within 2001, i was 32, i be in hospital 4 days and beg to get home, i be very sore and swollen, i could not bend or do indigestible lifting, but after another week i felt so much better.
Email me if you involve any specifics hunnie x

Pregnancy Cravings?

I had a hysterectomy contained by August of 2003. My ovaries were removed as okay. I have be on estrogen replacement therapy since, and enjoy not had any problems.

If you can achieve your doctor to do it, I HIGHLY recommend a laproscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy or "LAVH". I have single three 3/4-inch scars, instead of the big incision similar to my own mother had, and I be literally up walking around four hours after the surgery! The only difference is that you won't hold a cervix any more, but that just negate the need for Pap smears - adjectives in adjectives, a good deal, as far as I'm concerned.

Either instrument, best of luck - you'll do fine :-)

Why dont women clean themselves properly?

I have an abdominal hysterectomy 8 years ago. Your mum will have to rest and lift it easy for a couple of weeks, after start getting back to everyday slowly. At first even getting in and out of bath can be terrifically difficult, as you have to be so easy-going with yourself. She will requirement help next to dressing, bathing at first, and personal things like that, as it can be bloody even to raise your arms. Plenty of rest and she will be as suitable as new within 6 weeks at the most ! Take good assistance of her ! Best wishes. Don`t worry - she will be fine. x

He departed the condom inside of her!?

I had one almost 9 years ago, and it was the best piece I have ever done for my robustness. She sounds to have a loving supportive inherited so give her my best wishes and transmit her she will be fine

GIRLS ONLY PLEASE!! and experienced women..?

I had an abdominal hysterectomy 7 weeks ago. The first couple days you do nought but sleep due to the body getting rid of the anesthesia and that pain meds your taking. It is raw for several weeks but not alarmingly so. I stopped prescription pain meds after a week and a partially and just used IB profen. It leisurely gets better week by week. It heal a lot faster that you would deem. I had a vertical cut vs the typical bikini column cut. I had a small post op skin infection treated next to antibiotics. Tell your mom to rest a lot don't vacuum or sweep, it sounds dumb but it will hurt, transport my work for it they tell you that for a cause. Keep a large gel rime pack around for break through pain/muscle spasms. Its great and decreases swelling. 6-8 weeks is average rescue time. Best of luck to your mom.

Women only please! I enjoy a pea-sized, round lump in "that" nouns.?

Ive had one and once i recovered boy the benefits far out weigh any discomfort from post surgery tell you mum stir for it and be free..

No period for a year and a partially?

I had partial one 25 years ago, ovaries not removed, & took 6 weeks to restore your health. Life has be terrific ever since. Do as doc. tells you and you can't walk wrong. My daughter & husband were brilliant as couldn't iron, hoover or cook for 1st few weeks. You're mum wishes to be coddled & cherished during this time as she will be feeling sore & unfeminine. If she keep her ovaries life will verbs as normal but in need periods, but for she may go through menopoause & depending on her age doctor may sustain with replacement hormone analysis. If not tell her to try St. Johns Wort which are brilliant for helping cope next to menopause symptoms. Check with doctor in the past taking any health supplements as he know her best. For further advice at hand are many websites on the web for you to browse.

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