What are the symptoms of diabetes?

i have be losing weight (35 lbs) over the recent past 6 months - but i havnt been "trying" to - im freshly losing it - and the weird entry is when i think of the foods i drink they are all fundamentally high contained by sugar and im not sure if there is something wrong near my body. all my blood test turn out negitive. am i at risk of diabetes?

How do i do this?

Dry mouth, sick stomach, dizzy, sweating,nervous, shaking , and hungry adjectives the time! Have they done blood work, have they checked your thyroid level! Best Wishes & Good Luck!

IUD question..?

I am a insulin dependant diabetic & have severe leg cramps, thirsty all of the time where on earth I took a drink of water & instantly my mouth was still dry. Hungry adjectives of the time & nervous, shaking.

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Classic symptoms of diabetes are extreme thirst and having to urinate adjectives the time. Also, your urine may look dark because it will own sugar in it.

Have you be tested for a thyroid problem? Those can cause you to lose substance and feel more tired than usual.

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Weight loss can also be a symptom as well as excessive thirst and for some excessive urination.

Sometimes Diabetes can still be an issue even though the blood test are negative. As for person at risk for Diabetes yes it's possible based on these symptoms.

I would recommend getting another assessment and preferably from someone that does not share the same organization of the dr that you currently see.

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