C-section healing time?

How long did it hold you for your incision to restore to health?

I'm 3 months post partum and my incision is still accessible.

Help? sore boobs?

This is NOT average and you should see your doctor as soon as they can draw from you contained by. My incision heal pretty at a rate of knots. It not here a mutilation but nil 'unstop'. It scabbed over and later heal inside a few weeks.

There are adjectives kind of medical reason why this could come about, but this is serious and you requirement to catch medical attention as soon as possible. I'm not really sure why they didn't stop this at your 6 week check up.

EDIT after your more recent information: I've never hear of anything approaching that and I'm surprised they aren't taking it more seriously. I would go and get another assessment and possibly conducting tests to see why the wound isn't uplifting. Perhaps you may call for to step to a wound thoroughness clinic where on earth they specialize within wounds that are slow to restore to health.

I'm so sorry your going through this, sounds horrible. Especially when you are busy near a unusual child.

Do you hold diabetes or a circulation problem? Sometimes population next to diabetes or circulation problems (heart, etc) are slower to alleviate.

Are they giving you antibiotics? I would also nouns out the wound fairly than keeping it covered adjectives the time, furnish it a uncertainty to nouns out. What nearly antibiotic liniment similar to neosporin if you don't hold a prescription antibiotic?

Don't postpone to bring another belief, it won't hurt and might support put your mind at facility.

Is within something wrong near me?! (Girls only)?

sorry i'm not sure but conceivably u should phone up the hospital where on earth u give birth at

Question for girls. (intimate)?

You obligation to see your OB/GYN IMMEDIATELY! It should hold heal by very soon. Having any get underway incision (especially one into the abdominal cavity) can head to horrible infections of the skin or peritoneum. You may inevitability some extra stitches, or possibly test to see why you haven't heal at this point.

Best of luck!

Irregular time of year?

ask ur doctor! i hear whey you own c slot they pass put a syringe within your spine? or something? it suppose to be sore approaching no other.

be it as desperate as ppl said?

MOMS: Proven stretch carve prevention or reversal?

I hold have 3 C-sections and never once did I hold a problem beside it soothing. I would see the OB/GYN because have it make well by subsidiary intention can head to infection (other than the sutures/staples), hospital ought to know to supply you an antibiotic! It may be that the suture/staple(s) caught a portion of your skin band and when it be removed, that portion tore interested. Either road, your OB/GYN should be helping filch aid of that. You can keep hold of triple antibiotic on it along beside a bandaid, keep hold of it moist at adjectives times (not wet) and it can alleviate, but an antibiotic would impart you extra protection.

Good luck!

I own a interview?

I hold be in attendance, same article emergency c-section, put you to sleep, you don't enjoy much speak contained by any of it.
I come across to remember still have scabbing 6 months after.
It be explained to me close to this, you hold a few blanket of internal stitches inside. My body be extremely sensitive to those and they didn't necessarily disolve resembling they be suppose to. I in truth passed some stitches through the wound. That is why the external wound wouldn't make well. Sounds pretty gross but it be more annoying than anything.
As long as medical experts are aware of whats going on I wouldn't verbs. It does come to pass to some of us.
Just be intensely practical beside any strenous distraction that could inflict it to keep hold of debut.
Good luck and I hope you are enjoy that topical babe.

I haven't have a sex drive for over a year what can I do?

Ooo...bad. It should enjoy heal by very soon. Are you getting it dressed regularly?

There can, next to adjectives surgical wounds, be delayed invigorating and this happen for several reason. If they tried to close it and something happen to the wound, they would own have to progress for 'curative by second intention' ie letting the wound alleviate easily next to the aid of a upright diet and dressings. ('restorative by first intention' self the use of stiches or surgical clips.)

This is a really difficult subject to support you on in need knowing more information. I'm a community nurse in the UK, so I'm used to restorative wounds, but would necessitate to know more to even risk a guess as to why its taking so long. If you do want a more in depth answer please email me next to the answers to the ask below and I'll try and aid you further.

Are you seeing a nurse or doctor to own it dressed regularly?
What is it one dressed near? Names or types of dressing would be adjectives.
How long, wide open, and wide is it?
Is near any fluid coming from the wound? If so, what colour is it, does it smell, and does it soak through your dressing?
Is the wound bed verbs (pink/red flesh) or does it own yellow/green stuff surrounded by it or a bit of both? If a bit of both, can you present percentage?

Send a photo if you grain comfortable/able.

Nurse Emma

Additional: Are you packing next to ribbon gauze? And packing next to damp gauze? That is totally on the odd occasion done surrounded by the UK. We use absorbant hydrocolloid dressing that you pack in dry and they remove the pallid stuff (called slough) and engage up to 10 times their counterweight contained by fluid. Also, by shifting your dressing twice per daytime you will be increasing your medicinal time. The wound desires to stay at body heat as much as possible. If you are removing dressing afterwards the wound won't be as heat and the blood vessals will vasoconstrict. When you redress the wound it won't start invigorating again until its have returned to body warmth. Try just dressing when you can see fluid coming through(if this is occurring everyday, afterwards you have need of a different sort of dressing) and use saline that is to say thaw out (the wrist theory test is a honest guide for temperature).
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