Girls only. Do you look at the buldge of a guys pant when you find them atrractive?


I have problems beside ovarian cysts?

No, not really. This never occurred to me to do this.

What else besides "little one on the way" can cause sore nipples?

sometimes but usually the hand if I was looking for any impression on "size"

Will I grow any taller?

no, if u r attracted to some1, size shouldnt matter

Deodorant support please?

no i sadly look at their butt. within fact i coupled marching belt only because i get to march at the rear my crush and watch his butt (which is huge).
i enjoy heard of this since (my best friend does that).

What extra help can be used to seize pregnant?

No...I can honestly say I never own.except with my partner and that be only after we get together.
I look at eyes, smiles and hands, and I know profusely of girls whose first instinct is to check out these attributes.
Most of us dont really try to size up a guy's privates :)

HEALTH ISSUES about CKD stage 4?

im not relating! but i guess u do ! sence YOU ARE asking about it.

ha ha ha in recent times a little funny.

but everyone have probable done that at 1 point or another in their life time. its freshly that people's eyes saunter.

What are the placebos in birth control pills for?

Too funny!
I enjoy done it at work because of the angle I get where on earth I sit.
And I've noticed if they "dressed" to the right or disappeared.
That sort of thing.
It happen when I'm bored.

What does it mean if you're have your period for 3 weeks?

to be honest yes. to me i cogitate its hot.

Question about my time of year?

Sometimes my eyes might take a spur-of-the-moment peek at the bag, but for the most part, I resembling a man with a nice *. Also their eyes and smile.
But yeah, sometimes when you grasp that "mood"
my eyes will take a trip down nearby, lol!

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