Yaz or Yasmin?

I took BCP for 2 years until 6 months ago. (ortho tri cyclean)
I had severe nausea and dizziness for closing 3 months, so I stopped talking that. Since afterwards first 4 months I had regular time, but last 2 months it's ilregular.(I used to own really irregular, painful and sweet period up to that time I took BCP. ) I'm trying to take BCP again. I want to hear opinion about Yaz and Yasmin.

Oops length prob!!?

I have be on Yasmin for about 4 years presently and it has worked great for me. I am approaching clockwork on the thursday of my placebo pill and only enjoy one heavy year. Very few cramps & backaches, no swelling or nausea.
I enjoy PCOS and it was recommended as one good controlling the symptoms.
I hold only see the commercials for Yaz on tv dont know anyone who takes it so I cant facilitate you there.

I'm posting the links to the Yasmin and Yaz sites to possibly help you next to your decision.

Microgynon - oops!?

I've hear some pretty good things something like both. I don't have experience beside them, I do have experience near seasonale. I have ovarian cysts, irregular sturdy periods, etc. Seasonale have worked wonderfully for me, and there's a generic available immediately so it's cheaper. Sorry I couldn't help you out more!

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