Why do I always touch so tired?

I don't work, go to the gym or do any strenuous actions. I always get the impression sleepy and weak. Why could this be? I am not pregnant. This I am pretty sure of.

Missed interval?

At any given time, 1 in 10 nation are suffering from persistent tiredness, near women more likely to be artificial than men. Severe tiredness is a common object for people visit their GP.

With our stressful, busy lives, most people experience tiredness sometimes. Following some rest and relaxation and a right night's sleep, tiredness largely disappears, leaving us revived and ready to facade our usual activities. For some population, however, tiredness becomes a chronic problem which severely affects their element of life and their day-to-day functioning.

Causes of tiredness

There are abundant possible reasons for chronic tiredness. Usually, tiredness is due to a combination of cause. Tiredness can have physical triggers, such as a recent disease, pregnancy or breastfeeding. It can also be triggered by stressful situations, for example a recent bereavement, moving house, family or work problems.

As ably as well-defined triggers, there are heaps factors that can increase your tiredness, or stop you from regaining your enthusiasm when you are tired and run down.

Physical causes

Being tired can lead you to avoid physical diversion. However, as you become more unfit, you will be even more tired when you try to do something. When you are chronically tired, this can become a vicious circle.

Being too fat or too slender can cause tiredness. If you are overweight, your body have to work harder than normal to do everyday happenings. If you are very underweight, you enjoy less muscle strength and may tire more efficiently.

Many types of illness can vacate you feeling enormously tired, especially anaemia, an underactive thyroid and heart failure.

Sleep problems such as insomnia and sleep apnoea (abnormal breathing while asleep) can also stop you getting a devout night's sleep, while pregnancy is another adjectives reason for severe tiredness.

Emotional causes

Stress and verbs are tiring emotions. Facing a stressful situation can be draining, especially when you cannot see a solution to your problems. Feeling that you enjoy no control over a situation may lead to frustration, irritability and tiredness.

Mental vigour problems such as depression or anxiety can make you have a feeling more tired and can prevent you from sleeping properly.

Lifestyle causes

People with unusual or disturbed sleep pattern such as shift workers, nurses, doctors and nursing mothers can find it difficult to get refreshing sleep.

Looking after small children is a principally draining activity, especially if children do not sleep through the hours of darkness.

Sleeping in the day can prevent you from sleeping at hours of darkness. Drinking too many caffeinated or alcoholic drinks can also generate it difficult to get a right night’s sleep, especially if you drink them close to bedtime.

What is tiredness or fatigue?

Tiredness is a subjective feeling. People who complain of tiredness sometimes articulate that they are experiencing:

* a lack of energy
* morale of unwellness or discomfort
* sleepiness
* loss of motivation
* poor concentration
* difficulty in making decisions
* difficulty carrying out daily tasks
* mental state of depression


You can often switch on to overcome your tiredness with some simple measures:

If you are have trouble sleeping, aim for a better sleep routine. It helps to:

* travel to bed and get up at like peas in a pod time every day
* ensure that your bedroom is quiet, muddy and comfortable and that it is neither too hot nor too cold
* eat in advance in the evening
* find time to relax beforehand bedtime – relaxing music or a hot bath can help
* try to obtain problems and worries out of your head, possibly by writing thoughts down in a journal

Food and drink

What you eat and drink can enjoy a big impact on how you feel. It can oblige to:

* ensure that you get a on the brink diet and eat proper meal even if you don't feel approaching cooking
* if you are underweight, gradually increase your portion sizes and your overall calorie intake
* cut down unhurriedly on caffeine and alcohol, especially in the evenings
* if you are overweight, try to get your bulk under control by becoming more physically alive and eating smaller quantity. However, you should avoid crash diets

Physical activity

Being unfit makes you susceptible to tiredness – and mortal tired often system you don't exercise enough.

To break out of this cycle, introduce physical entertainment. into your routine, gradually increasing the duration and intensity. Ten minutes a daylight is fine to start with; the most critical thing is to preserve it regular. If you exhaust yourself for some reason, don't dispense up. Just do a small amount of exercise again the next sunshine, and keep going.

Walking is the repeatedly the easiest exercise to start with, but any physical pursuit that you enjoy and that fits into your life span is fine.

For more about physical entertainment., see the BUPA factsheet titled Physical activity.
A perched lifestyle

Think about what you could amend to achieve a more hanging, stress-free lifestyle. Have realistic expectations going on for what you can achieve and aim to leisurely increase what you can manage over time. Staying in bed adjectives the time will not help you to go and get over your tiredness.

Learning to relax will help to boost sleep and to relieve stress-related symptoms such as frustration, irritability and tiredness. Your GP surgery or local library will often own details of local adult lessons classes, books or tapes.

Write down a record of any things that might have lead to your tiredness, such as family or work pressures. Are nearby ways that you could avoid overburdening yourself in the future?
Seeking further help

You can aim help from your GP for tiredness that have no obvious inflict. Anxiety or depression, a sleep disorder such as insomnia or sleep apnoea and iron-deficiency anaemia are all conditions that could motivation tiredness. These conditions will need to be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional.

ME or chronic fatigue syndrome

A small number of general public suffer from long-term, disabling tiredness without a clear grounds. This used to be known as ME (myalgic encelphalomyelitis) and is presently referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Although this sort of tiredness is now recognised as a medical condition, cause and treatment of CFS are not well buried in comparison to frequent other conditions.

If you are diagnosed with CFS, it is probable that you will be offered a combination of therapies, tailored to your individual wishes. This can include graded exercise treatment, treatment with antidepressants or a "discussion treatment" such as cognitive behaviour psychotherapy. To find out more about chronic fatigue syndrome and its treatment, see the BUPA factsheet Chronic fatigue syndrome.


Tiredness is usually a stopgap situation which can be helped next to some simple measures. However, persistent tiredness can hold a major impact on day-to-day functioning. Good lifestyle guidance should eliminate tiredness but if the problem persist you should seek further help out.

Diet or water pills support?

You need to become more involved physically. Start taking daily 20 minute walk and reevaluate your diet. Do you eat foods loaded next to carbs or fat? This could be the culprit also. I would recommend ingestion foods and drinks that help see your body (fruit, veggies, green tea, etc). Good luck!

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