I have a colpolscopy programmed for tomorrow, what do I expect (HPV/ cervical cancer)?

And what questions should I ask? I'm trying to remember adjectives of the ones I've thought of since finding out I had HPV and pre-cancerous cell. Has anyone else gone through this?

Girls only please answer mete out i really need support?

Relax. Tomorrow the doctor will take a biopsy of your cervix, it will be aware of like a pinch and you may or may not hold slight bleeding, like spotting next to some cramping. The doctor will tell you that most women clear HPV in 5 years of discovering they have it; during this time it is critical to monitor your pap smears for uncharacteristic cells to be sure that you havent developed cervical cancer. If you do have lesion or pre-cancerous cells, they will closely monitor you. If you do hold cancer, you can get laser surgery or local removal of artificial regions of the cervix.
You will not be infertile, as hpv does not affect fertility. Also, you may not have a cancer cause strain of hpv, so dont worry basically yet.
And it doesnt come wager on after clearing, it will be in your system just similar to a vaccine would.
This is very adjectives. Take care of yourself.

Is it nomal to still expirience pains after 7weeks of have ceaserian section?

I go through the same item. They did i biopsy of my cervix and it did come back impressive with HPV. I Didn't own any cancerous cells, but they told me it would progress away on it's own. Your doctor should have told how doomed to failure it was, if it be covering most of the cervix, or just somewhat. My pap smear came fund abnormal, but solitary by a little bit. Thats why it eventually did stir away after my 2nd baby. although you still hold the virus in your body, it can come backbone even if your cleared of it. But i wouldnt worry too much. Your doctor should be describing you how bad it is. Everything will be fine and you will find out everything after tomarrow. Good Luck!

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For a colposcopy - they will insert a speculum basically like pap and consequently wash the cervix beside a vinegar solution to look for any lesions or a mosiac stencil (like tiling) which is indicative of HPV effects. They may in some cases then use a betadine soution to outlook the cervix again looking for areas where the cervix may take more betadine which can also indicate an HPV infection as well. They may or may not biopsy which usually isnt bumpy in itself as the cervix is not a bottle rich area (if it be it would be painful to own intercourse) although sometimes you may experience uterine cramping which subsides within an hour or two ---just approaching period cramps. You can steal some advil (ibuprofen) about 1-2 hours in the past the procedure to minimize any discomfort.

Your Doctor should be able to provide you a pretty good impression of what he thinks is going on up to that time you leave the bureau. I hope your MD uses a photo scope so he can in truth show you what he sees as it make explaining any issues much easier.

Goodluck! ---Just take a cavernous breath and relax!

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