Is a tampon supposed to hurt when you verbs it out?

I tried pulling out my first tampon yesterday and hurt so bad that it made me really want to cry! Is this normal? please oblige!

Answers:    the first time i used a tampon, it hurt going in and coming out, either you own the wrong size or you need to relax your muscles. my problem was i be tense and nervious so i was forcing it, only try to relax down there and it should come out easier.. if not you hold the wrong size, or maybe your just unqualified to use one

hope that helps! =).
try using a slim, not even a regular since you are just immediately wearing probably swelled and is fitting too snugly which can be very dangerous use the least possible amount of absorbancy to lessen the chances of tss, and no it is not supposed to hurt try getting in a comfortable position to remove them and be sure to relax If it is not fully sopping (if you still see white on it) then you need to walk off it in longer. A good sign on when you should pinch it out is when you see blood on the braid.

If it was fully saturated and it still hurt, try another brand. it of late might be that the brand you are using does not fit well with your shape..
A tampon will hurt if you verbs it out when it is dry. If you've had it in for a few hours and it's not nourishing up, you probably need to switch to a smaller size. Its either too big, or not soaked adequate. If you're dry down there when its coming out, it will hurt no matter what. Then you know you necessitate to go down to a smaller size..
maybe the tampon is too big.
i have the same problem..
im not sure what size your using
but teen satin works very ably.
good luck.
No, it probably wasent completly full or you werent relaxed. Wait an hour longer next time past you pull it out. well no its not, your probably freshly dry down there.
and your supposed to relax when your putting or taking out a tampon..
Yeah it should hurt you. :[ sorry hun

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