Can someone please update me what is thermage ?

Please excuse my ignorance

Can a girl get her time of year twice in a month, significance a week apart?

The Thermage procedure is a non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and well again collagen. (Collagen is the building block that provides structure to your skin.) The Thermage procedure is available only surrounded by the offices of qualified physicians who specialize surrounded by cosmetic procedures. The Thermage procedure employs a patented monopolar capacitive radiofrequency (CRF) technology call ThermaCoolTM. It has be clinically proven to tighten and gently elevate skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and flowing, and requires no downtime from normal undertakings. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of adjectives skin types. The ThermaCool device has be cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of wrinkles and rhytids.

The medicine and form information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical direction or treatment for any medical conditions.

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