Birth Control...?

Any suggestions, advise, different types?

What are the side effects on birth control?

The answer is different for everyone. Some associates are good at taking a pill every time...some people aren't. There are hundreds of different pills out nearby as well. Combined oral contraceptives are the most adjectives types and these all change depending on the "estrogen" and the "progestin" they contain and in the concentrations of each. They may even rise and fall in concentrations during different weeks of the cycle. There is also one brand to be precise tailored to extend your cycles out to the point of having solitary 1 period every 3 months. The Ortho Evra Patch and Nuvaring enjoy similar ingredients as the combined oral contraceptives but you only own to think almost the patch once a week and the Nuvaring once a month. These have some risks, in particular for people near high blood pressure, clotting disorders, and smokers over age 35.

There is also "progestin" lone pills (Micronor for example). They are less forgiving than combined contraceptives in that you hold to take the pill close to alike time every day and even missing one pill or taking it at the wrong time could draw from you pregnant.

In the same category of progestins, are the Depo Provera injection. Benefits include solitary having to regard as about it every 3 months. 80% of women after 1 year will not own a period...but up until later you could have anything from spotting, to bleeding most days of the month...markedly the first 3 months. Downsides include the potential for irregular bleeding and a tendency for counterbalance gain. The average is 5 lbs...but thinner women tend to remain the same or gain smaller quantity and larger women tend to gain more.

Intrauterine devices (IUD's) are another option. The Mirena IUD have a hormone similar to the injection, but since the IUD is put inside the uterus, blood concentrations do not have to be as large to get duplicate birth control and improved bleeding profile. (no shipment gain...better bleeding profile). There is another IUD with no hormones and so you still win periods as you did in the past, but might be a little heavier. They are rock-hard to place in women who own not had children. These are the most impressive and have the most minuscule side effects compared to systemic birth control.

There are also barrier contraception approaching condoms/diaphragms/sponges/cap... (these are not as effective as hormonal psychiatric therapy...and abstinence (I've see this one fail some times as powerfully :P )

I think that covers most of them.

Worried & call for advice!?

Depending on your age, I'd speak abstinance.

If you're 20 or over... pulling out is generally powerful and feels better.

Mestural Cycle Question?

Talk to your gynecologist to see what's best for you. There's HUNDREDS out at hand on the market between the different pills, patch, nuva ring, shots, iud's, etc... Just talk to him/her roughly speaking what you want your birth control to do for you and they'll get you started.

How to recount a friend that she smells like below arm pits?

there r a lot of contraceptive resembling mala-d,overal-l available in marketplace,consult the doctor & use it.a lot of powered remedies r also available.

Learning about puberty?

I don't know your age or medical history, but, the birth control pill is showing more and more serious side affects as the months dance by. I would definitely stay away from the pill or any other birth control that uses hormones, especially if you're over 30 years prehistoric.

The best for your body is condoms. Same birth preventive but without the harmful long-term effects that hormone related products bring...

Im 13 and have to start taking birth control?

You should see a gynecologist to find out what types of birth control are best for you... at hand are a variety of ranges.

Birth Control Pills

(see the cooperation for other types and more information - lots of good reading)

Do not use the verbs out method, which involves having unprotected sex and in the past the male ejaculate, pulling out of the female. It is NOT effectual.

Is it true that women get heated prior to having their menstrual time?

I agree that there are hundreds of methods available. Talk to your ob-gyn; I'm sure she can move about over things with you and digit out what's best for you and your lifestyle.

In addition, don't listen to that dweeb who said to newly pullout. People who pullout are generally call parents.

Very painful sex..inevitability answers please!?

i used the depo provera shots for years and had no side effects, its straightforward and you don't have to verbs about remembering to run it every day. it also make your periods shorter and sometimes you won't even own them. the cost is around $60 every 3 months and most insurances cover it (i think) i would advise against the 5 year implant that go within your arm. they work good, but they are especially difficult and painful to remove. IUDs are too unpredictable. would still push for a condom to protect against STDs of course

Has anyone have their merinia IUD removed, I have one because?

birth control pills formulate you have hellacious mood swings. I still bear mine, but I try to keep it lower than control.

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