Ladies individual!?

my periods on, and im going swimming on monday.

i dont want to wear a tampon.

can i newly wear one piece bathers, and then wear board shorts over it?

should i wear undies beneath my one piece bathers, then wear board shorts over that?

They variety me feel violated!!?

Depending on where on earth you are you could wear a pad until only just before you shift swimming, take a trip to the restroom and remove the wipe and then start swimming. While you're swimming at hand should be no problem as you close up while submerged in hose. Then after leaving the sea just put the wad back within. The bather and the board shorts should work well though as long as they aren't delicately coloured.

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You cannot do this as you will leak blood adjectives over when you are out of the water. Why don't you want to wear a tampon? It's not close to you have to wear them adjectives the time......just use them for swimming and after use a pad the rest of the time. Tampons are much cleaner than pad anyway. You could try using a menstrual cup but not sure where you would find one on short thought.

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I don't know what a "one piece bather" is (swimsuit?), but you shouldn't swim in need a tampon.

2 months -no period since coming of pill. Definately not pregnant?

No, most to be sure not. The blood will just run adjectives down your leg. Your choices are wear the tampon or don't go swimming. Nothing will hold it in and if you run in the hose, then everyone will surely know you enjoy your period when you receive out of the water. Don't embarass yourself close to that.

What is pre ?

i understand you not wanting to use a tampon,
however, not wearing anything in a public pool where on earth other people swim is really unsanitary. if i be you i would just wear a tampon or not swim, out of repect for the other swimmers.

My Vagina?

Why not wear a tompon? If you are babyish they make some for younger girls. It will be shameful if you leak, ask your mom.

Not Having your PERIOD can motive loss of sight?

no no no please dnt bc when you dribble nad someone sees your gonna be so emabarassed, dnt go or any your jst gonna have to wear a tampon

Missed Period?

i would jus turn ahead n wear a tampon because if u dont think of adjectives the germs u could be spreading thats just gross...but if u do wish to spread germs at least wear black accumulate ur self some embarresment but yet ur extent will slow down while ur in the sea but ya

I have sore boobs, but i enjoy my tubes tied and this has never happen before.?

Uh, no. You want to wear a tampon if you are going swimming, or you don't go swimming at all.

Not even board shorts or bathers will stop the blood from running down your leg when you step out of the sea.

Is generic birth control just as strong as brand name bc?

don go swimming whe your time of year on..

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I'm not a fan of tampons but if you're planning on swimming, you distinctly should wear one. If you're not use to them, start to wear them before Monday so you can capture use to it. But either wear one, or don't find in the marine!!

Has anyone had nouns with a birth control to facilitate endometriosis?

you can swim even when you have your term..

wear anything..

trust me..

see the link below if you dont believe me...

simply stay in the dampen, girl.

dont walk around too long or the blood'll start flowing..

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You have to wear a tampon or you shouldn't swim! You would dribble all over! GROSS! So why don't you want to wear a tampon if you are small use lite/juniors tampons by tampax!

I hope this help!

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