Pressure on bladder + neg. for a UTI?

Started to experience pain on my lower support last dark and woke up a couple times last dark to use the bathroom. Felt pressure on my bladder when I woke up so I went to my doctor. Neg. for a UTI but I still own the feeling of constant pressure. He said it could be ovulation (I'm getting my extent in 2 weeks). But my quiz is how can I ovulate if I'm on birth control (been on it for about six years now). I thought the in one piece purpose of b.c. was to label your body think you're pregnant. Why would I ovulate?

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I used to be terribly very prone to UTI's but sometimes by the time I get to the doc, there be no detectable problem. For me, my symptoms were worst surrounded by the evening and overnight, so if I went to the doc contained by the mid-morning, my syptoms miraculously had cleared up! SOmetimes they returned and sometimes not. Bottom vein, u may have have a UTI, or still have one and it's in recent times not being detected. If you are still have symptoms go subsidise to him and suggest this to him, he may agree or not but it is possible that he had not thought of that. Good Luck to you, I know how horrible UTI's can be! oh! and drink lots of river and cranberry juice :) intensely very considerate!!

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don't know why?

How do i catch rid of a BO in the losing area to smell fresh i stipulation help?

Did you gain tested for pregnancy also? It's possible to get pregnant on the pill you know.

This wierd liqiud coming out of my vagina?

Check for kidney stone, kidney infection, or yeast infection.

Err i'm confused how do women grasp pregnant when they are not married ?

I can't understand why the Doc would vote it's 'ovulation'..
Maybe it's cystitis, try cranberry juice. That help if it is..
Do you think in attendance's any chance your 'B.C' have failed and you might be pregnant?

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