Girls, Please Answer!?

Im a guy. Today at school we have tests, so within was a mass of population outside the test nouns after break. It was moderately cramped and my best friend (a girl, 15) was within front of me. I was put a bet on against a wall, and there be a bit of room between us. But she was facing the other process and she kept backing up slightly so we be closer. She rubed her butt into my crotch quite a bit. Side to side as in good health as pressing into me. I had never thought she saw me surrounded by that way. I still dont, really. But be she just playing? Messing, and trying to arouse me as a spectator sport? Was it for her enjoyment and arousal? Any backing is appreciated.

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It doesn't thing what her intentions were if you want to stay friends discount it. You said that she was facing the other direction, what be she looking at? Was their maybe someone that she be trying to make resentful? The question you necessitate to ask yourself is what are the real vibrations you have for her. Then try to numeral out her actions.

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she's a skank. receive in her pant, i guess. dont forget a condom.

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Your girl friend might have a entity for you, bud.

I mean, she'd own to be completely clueless to not know what she was doing.

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please....the girl is a moment ago playful...or not you dont really know for sure...maybe you should ask would be a great support...

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ask her...i dont see how else u would know for sure

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lol very well im 14 and im a girl. i think possibly she either like you or it was not intended by her and conceivably she never even noticed? because sumthing resembling that happend to my friend before...and she never designed it like that.... But if she does it again u should confrunt her and ask her why she does that?she may close to u and if she does u can * her all dark LOL and u said she is ur best friend so u should be honest and straight up with her and explain to her wat u think .... i hope this help...

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hmmm doesnt sound approaching an accidental encounter, so you own several options :
1) she have feelings for you and is too flushed to tell you (if she your best friend afterwards ask her what she was doing!)
2) she be just chat you in a friendly road, joke in the order of it with her and see what her repercussion is
3) just ask her straight up in need assuming anything , hey, what was that in the region of the other day?!
biddable luck and have fun finding out!

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Well sweetie I consider she is thinking of you in that way and took her oppurtunity to show you instead of relating you Hint Hint ;0)

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maybe she have an itchy butt? dont ask her though cause that could embaress you and her. what you should do is suggest that you two dance and see a movie and what ever happens subsequent, good luck!

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i agree beside the first girl, shes a skank, lol! jeez, little girls are fast today! sounds like she be just playing around and that shes massively "open" about her sexuality. you could probably hook up next to her. sorry, but im just self honest!! anyways, just playfully articulate to her one day, hey, what be that about the other morning...i liked it.... ;) and see if she flirts vertebrae. if she denies that it was anything, merely drop it. ahh, horny teenagers.

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