How long till I should be worried about my period stopping?...?

I'm eighteen now, and I started when I be eleven, I've never really eaten properly, and my period are never regular. I was on the pill (microgarneon30) when I be fifthteen, and I carried on taking it for two years. When I stopped, I had a time of year three months later, and I get told this was run of the mill,

I've had a few since afterwards. Its been going on for nearly a year now since I concluding had one. I don't devour properly, I guess you could say im anorexic, and im also anemic.

Please don't detail me to start eating right, or to see a docter, my problems next to food aren't the issue here, im mearly asking if I should be worried, and if im under risk of pernament infertillity.

If you would similar to additional infomation to answer this, in recent times say so, and I will expurgate.

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Well you answered your own put somebody through the mill. You must have already be warned in the region of your unhealthy drinking habits. It's not other what you eat it's if you get through at all ? Anorexics can bring their bodies to the point of starvation and if by "I don't eat properly" vehicle your hardly consumption that could be the reason why your not menstruating. At your age I deal with irregular period and was told mine be partly cause by anemia and unhealthy drinking habits. Only I be opposite you I be overweight. I finally reached great weight for me and nutritionist. A counterweight I felt comfortable beside around 22 years of age and because I eat...but surrounded by moderation and more healthy foods presently at 25 my periods enjoy continued to be regular and Ive kept the weight stale...through this time whereas I wasn't menstruating in the beginning once my body realize it was sheltered I was even blessed next to a daughter. So since permanent infertility is a concern you really should discuss to someone who will reason beside your side, views, and opinion but someone who will also tell you right from wrong and not cater to you. I hope you carry the help you stipulation both physically and mentally.

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No, thats the point here.. you should put away right, and the nutrition is your problem. Please do not ignore this, you are proverb : please don't tell me to start intake right..But that is your problem. If you don't bring proper nutrients, your period will be irregular ofcourse. I don't think through how people can't get through right! I mean devour veggies, drink water, liquid.whatever, in recent times no junk food, ok? trust me, you'll sense a big difference, you'll feel better too. Also, did you know that if you obtain extremely thin, your period will stop? And anorexia eventually leads to infertility? Think in the region of it.

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you are doing your body irreparable damage ,that could even call a halt in annihilation and i am not messing about

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Your weightiness and what you eat unluckily is the issue. Think of it this way: your body have stopped producing eggs and therefore you no longer enjoy periods. Your body is doing this because you are not forceful enough and would not be capable of adequately nosh a baby if you become pregnant. The longer you fail to enjoy a period the more credible the chance that you will be inept to become pregnant in the adjectives. Your weight problem is probably also cause your anemia. You must start eating properly and see your doctor or you may completion up causing irreperable smash up to not only you reproductive but also your key organs. GET HELP!

Can you have an intercourse when you hold your periond?

The earlier a woman starts her extent, the earlier she will travel thru menopause. Generally though MP doesn't start until late 30s or rash 40s. Because you've never had a regular cycle it may be harder to detect the peri-menopause time of year.

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