Is anyone usings the nuva ring? i have a interview?

i just started using the nuva ring birth controll and im wondering if anyone have had a problem next to it while they have sex. when i pulled the ring out of the bag the first time i was shocked to see how big it is. does it bother you when you are have sex? what about if you hold to use a tampoon?
let me know if you own had any discouraging experencese with this method of birth controll.


I've be using the Nuva Ring for 6 months now and i lve it i chew over having to purloin a pill everyday would be hard fo rme to remember and near the ring you put it in for 21 days and take it out for 7 days than put a unknown one in i hold never had it trickle out on me before i've even asked my boyfriend if he could have a feeling it during sex and he couldnt.

Can you tighten your vagina by..?

I used Nuva for a while. 2 times when I had sex, once the guy feel it and wondered what it was, and the subsequent time it actually fell out, it be sooo embarrasing. I wouldn't recommend the ring. There is also a lot of condition problems associated with it, more so than any other form of BC. I contemplate you should think twice in the region of this.

Thanks, but i did ovulation test time 11,13,15,17, nothing. today is day 18 will i do another one?

I enjoy used it before.
I be concerned on how well it would stay put during sex, and my day by day activities. but it did.
I does stay put for the most part of the pack. but one time it was falling out because I didn't put it in far ample.
That was my singular issue.
My recommendation would be to stick beside the pill. The ring isnt as convenient as they say.

I am have trouble sleeping?

When it's inserted properly, you won't feel it at adjectives. Even during sex or using tampons. I thought the same entry when I saw it out of the package. I can't use it anymore (used it for in the order of 4 or 5 months) because I had some pretty unpromising cramping. I've had to try profoundly of birth control as I've had some problems. I have to have surgery on my cervix to remove cell and ever since I've had seriously of problems with cramping and flow. I purely quit using birth control all together. If I didn't enjoy the problems I did, I would still be using the ring. You just enjoy to remember to keep it contained by for 3 weeks and take it out for the 4th week. The stickers they afford you to put on your calendar really help. Hope it works for you :)

Is it true that after giving birth, wrapping your stomach will the stifle the pooching effect?

I used it and it looks big, but it fits right where they report to you to put it nicely. My boyfriend said that he could "kinda sorta" be aware of it during sex, and that it wasn't bad at adjectives.
You take the ring out at the train of your three weeks, and have your regular cycle, so you won't be using a tampon and the ring at the same time.
Of adjectives the methods of birthcontrol I've used, I liked this one the best. It's easier than taking a pill every year, and it stays put, unlike the patch.

Anyone know what my lumps are?

i used it and it fell out alot during and after sex so i wouldent personally recommend it but everyone is different you cant consistency it when its is but my bf said he could kinda feel it when it be in .. i would utter use something else personally

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