How to live a normal live near Endometriosis?

Does anyone know how to deal beside the pain, the nouns and the misery that this condition causes?
I've have surgery, combined pills, restrictive diets, pain killer, etc...i'm still struggling. Sometimes, I can't get out of bed.
I don't know what to do anymore.

Mood swings?

I particularly recommend visiting - this is a terrific support group of thousands of other women of adjectives ages from around the world with Endo, who "get hold of it" and understand.

Also, catch a copy of "Living well With Endometriosis-What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You" by Kerry Ann Morris (Amazon usually have good deal on gently used books if your library doesn't enjoy it). There are many suggestions and much of assistance information in the book for living well surrounded by spite of the insidious disease.

Also, check out the following specialist links to see if they can help you. Women travel from around the world to see these doctors, and their long-term nouns rates are very soaring, through the use of surgical excision. Most of the Endo centers offer free valise review and consultation to see if they can help and parley about your treatment option. While there is no categorical cure for Endo, not even excision, it's a far better consideration than ineffective, repeat surgery, unnecessary and ineffective hysterectomy, and drug suppression, and if it's free, it can't hurt to look into them:

If none of them are nearby, check for some right suggestions of someone closer who may be equally as helpful.

You're not alone. Obtaining the right treatment and finding support as allied above can often be incredibly effective. Good luck to you.

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