I found a lump in my breast?

i am 22 and found a sturdy lump that moves around inside my family doctor is sending me for an ultra nouns can you get breast cancer at 22?

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yes it is possible. one of my old friends who is 14 have cancer of the uterus.

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You can get canger from anything at any age these days...

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yes, but don't panic on the other hand, it could be just a lump but great article you are getting checked my niece who is 18 have them

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yes, but most possible its a benign cyst.

It could also be a clogged duct, especially if you have hormonal disparity and eat foods lofty in tubby and sugar and caffeine.

I have have the Mirena since May 9, been spotting since, also enjoy never felt the strings.?

yes, you can seize breast cancer at any age. you can even get it if you are a man, it is dying out, but possible. Please get it checked. caught precipitate there is a avery well brought-up chance of human being cured. it might just be a cyst or fibrous tissue, but it's well brought-up to have it checked, especially if near is a history of any cancer in your line.

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Not to be severe..but yes. However, it could just be that.sturdy tissue, and nothing else. Does it hurt? Is nearby discharge from your nipple? Is it there adjectives the time or does it appear when you're about to menstruate? Same entity happened to me...and it be nothing.after a few months it disappeared on its own,,,,hold care!

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I don't know if you can get breasts cancer at 22 but it character sound approaching the thing I have on my breast and it move like you said and it be just fatty tisssue Have you bump yourself or fall it could be a bruise.
You are wise to go and get it check up it is best. Also as the doctor to order you an mammongraham it wouldn't hurt. obedient luck

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Well, you can get breast cancer at 22 but it is importantly unlikely you have it.
It is vastly more feasible you have a cyst. Nine out of ten lumps found in a woman's breast are non-malignant (not cancer).
Usually, if you can move a lump next to your fingers, it is probably not cancerous.
However, ultrasound and PROFESSIONAL medical attention is always advise with any strange lump or bump or discolouration of any nouns of the body.
Changes occur readily in the structure of the breast and cysts form and budge away with a woman's monthly cycles. Just approaching you can get cysts on your ovaries, you can catch them in your breasts.
I'm sure you are fine but follow your doctor's direction as they are always the best qualified to narrate you what it is.
Good luck!

QUestion on women experience around menopause?

I'm 36 and there's a 'lump' within my breast - got the ultrasound and it's a benign cyst, which is pretty common. Yes, you can catch breast cancer at 22. I was competent to not worry roughly speaking it until I got it properly diagnosed and I hope you can do the same.

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Yes, you can, but it's not the first suspect. Doctors other jump to read out that, I don't know why. It's cruel. But your first suspect is a cyst, which is usually benign and brought on by too much caffeine. Have you been drinking coffee or drinking too much chocolate lately?
Either way, do find a breast ultrasound for real close-up details. Mammograms are complex on breasts and a last resort, with the sole purpose if you have extraordinarily dense breasts. Ultrasounds don't hurt you, and they're what they would send you for if they found something suspicious in a mammogram. The thermograms are correct for vigilant watching, too.
Find a book about breast strength and read up on this. Remember, it's your body, and a lot of choices you cause as far as eating and hormones can bring in a difference to your long-term health. Take watchfulness! PS: good for you for doing self-exams! Keep doing them!

Weight Loss?

its unusual but possible. take it severely seriously and find someone close that you can talk to. You will entail someone's support.

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