Please singular ladies! (smelly)?

my friend has a existing bad smelly problem down low and she asked how to stop it and idk know what to do!!and when she plays any sports or get sweaty and unbareable what should she do?

Breakthrough bleeding on the pill?

Deodorant cleansing wipes (play tex have great ones) and feminine deodorant strips ( you insert them, great during your period also). they work great and double the cleansing deed will be way more potent.

Good luck to you and your friend :)

Does an abortion hurt? (read details!!)?

Either talk to a doctor, or use one of the products that are available for that. Also, gross sure to stay clean and fine-tuning underwear often.

What happen when?

Blergh... I understand what you expected by woman only... Maybe subsequent time you should give a pre-pre-warning!

Did i put it in wrong?

tell her to rinse it on a regular basis, expecially after sports. put in the picture her to wear dedorant panty liners to control the smell, and put some powder on. if its get really bad make clear to her she should go to the gyno.

For girls solely the younger generation?

I would run to the gyno to make sure at hand isn't something going on like a yeast infection.

He dint in me. could i still be pregnant?

she should be getting a douche after her period and she should wear odor absorbing pads while doing any sports

What is wrong near me?


How Do You Know If You Are Horny?

She has get to go to an OB/GYN! This could be anything from a poorer yeast infection to a very impressively serious disease. She needs to attain checked out immediatly! I am a staff nurse for an OB office, so please, please detail her to get surrounded by right away if the smell is as powerful as you stated.

Common for a 7 year old to enjoy B.O?

The only grounds a person starts to smell is if the sweat on your body is attacked by germs, otherwise smell is no problem. If she can wash sour all the sweat since the bacteria reach it, she will be fine.

If you're in school and can't achieve a shower, use a body spray and deodorant, along with a fresh loose change of clothes.

When is the first day of length? When you're spotting (brown blood) or when you bleed fresh red blood?

well if basic personal hygiene (i.e. showering, changin underwear) isnt keeping the nouns smell-free, then she may own some kind of infection. in that travel case she needs to see a doctor. if its not an infection, consequently i would suggest she carry a moment or two plastic bag full of kid wipes surrounded by her purse. and any time she feels smaller number than fresh, just grant the area a perfect cleansing. just update her not to douche.yeah it makes u smell nice, but if you're using it adjectives the time its very unhygienic.

Help me Gurl Problumes!!?

tell her to us baking soda in her panties. Just a little bit will work.

What else could the abdominal misery be?

tell her to clean it up every minite or be in motion to a doctor or some thing

I'm almost 18 and my interval is irregular. Is it because I skipped meals and not adequate sleep?

buy some Deodorant....or some really strong perfume...if that doesnt work then run see a doctor

Tampon question.?

umm. lol this interview caught me off guard. um..resourcefully you could get her a vast cleansing soap that smells really good. Then in recent times non shalontly give it to her. She might not even entrap on. But other than that, relate her that she should thoroughly wash it ALL THE TIME. because sports are a rugged thing when that's concerned. But also, she could see a ginacologist. Maybe it might be a tangible problem. I hope i helped!

(and oh, I'm 13. yeah, i know, i'm developed.)

good luck hun

Why do you have a feeling tired when you have your time of year?

She should see a doctor- certain smells can be a sign of some sort of infection down at hand.

What are the best points orp to touch or massage surrounded by girls during sex in order to craft their bodies go haywire?

I know you said girls merely but i know about this. Literally "washing" down in attendance is bad. It (believe it or not) cleans itself next to water alone. Just requests to be done daily. Soap can result in the odor and douching collects the bacteria surrounded by which you put back on respectively time it gets used. If no development with correction, next seek medical guidance. Its a common mistake and frequent females disagree yet its true.

Pregnancy and tubal ligation, have it happened?

If she hasn't already, she should clearly see an gynecologist. Unusual odor usually indicates an infection or some kind. All women enjoy a natural scent "down below" (heck, its an unfurl hole to the inside of your body for crying out loud :) but your friend may want to try some of the cleansing products that are available OTC. Check any drug store or mass retailer for feminine products that are hypo-allergenic. No fragrant stuff, as these products can contain irritants that may make problem worse. Also, my doc have always advise me to steer clear of douches, as these upset the natural pH match of your body that regulates things in that area and keep odors to a minimum.

Question? Please, Please,Please answer?

I'm agreeing with the OB nurse ... your friend really requests to go see an Ob/gyn doctor ASAP because it sounds close to she has a 'dismal infection' down there to be exact 'causing the bleak odor' ... and that could be 'damaging' to her LONG TERM and even impose 'sterility' if it's not 'caught and treated properly' ... and tell your friend to STOP DOING ANY SPORTS or commotion that 'increases' the odor until she's seen a doctor ... SHE NEEDS TO DO THAT TOMORROW AT THE LATEST. Take her if you must ... DRAG HER if she doesn't want to be in motion ... but get that girl to a doctor for treatment right away.

What's the risk of getting pregnant?

friend huh?

Am I underweight?

No doubtg an infection so she wants to see a dr and gets some meds and afterwards she should be fine .

Should i get a breast fall with 40dd breasts?

There are tons of different reason for her problem. #1, does she have a boyfriend? If she does and does not hold him use a condom, it may lead to the smell. Lots of men ejaculation have a bad smell to it and if it get up in a women the smell basically gets worse. #2, Does she own any std's? This could lead to a impossible smell. #3, Does she clean herself day after day down there near soap and water? I'm not chitchat about freshly passing the soap ancient the area but really cleaning the nouns. This is important. It's surplus to requirements to use anything put soap and water, you don't enjoy to buy any feminine products to do the job, they usually hold too many chemicals within them anyway. #4, Does she make sure to use a maxi-pad at dark instead of a tampon when she is on her period? It is momentous that she lets everything come out. Using a tampon the adjectives time doesn't really do the job of letting the uterus exfoliate. #5, What gentle of food does she eat on a regular font? Food can make a difference on how she smells down in that. #6, When she goes number two does she other clean properly? In stores everywhere in attendance are feminine cleansing clothes she can use, that is if she doesn't own time for a shower or is not at home when she does number two. #7 She should ALWAYS use 100% cotton panties, this is the only style the area can breath. #8 Of course it is major to make sure she is wipping the nouns the right way after using the bathroom.
There are lots different reasons but most stale all I regard as your girlfriend should go to a gynocologist and hold a check-up. You're not suppossed to smell like anything down low, it should be close to smelling your arm. If there is a smell, it's your body trying to speak about you there is somethink wrong.

Acid-y throat?

Hey. This isn't adjectives that uncommon. As a nurse, I can honestly update you that the "down there" area can be reasonably tricky. It is a very sharp Ph balanced nouns and is sensitive to many things. Alot of times, drinking more sea can help to flush the body. However, it sounds close to your friend needs to imagine about a few things:
1) does she douche, because this is a big no no and can really effect the Ph balance
2) does she use scented soap or body wash while taking baths because this can also effect the Ph balance
3) What type of food does she generally eat &/or does she steal supplements... remember... you are what you eat... to some extent.

My suggestions:
Try to drink lots of hose down, take a perfect daily multi-vit, craft sure you avoid perfumed tampons, sanitary napkins and other perfume sprays "down there"
Also, here is rather trick I've picked up along the way from anyone a very alive and athletic person. Buy Sure deodorant and anti-perspirant non-deodorized spray. Spray some on a dust cloth or even non-scented toilt paper and wipe around the vagina and between the thighs near it. The anti-perspirant will definately prevent sweating and helps w/ any smells as in good health.
Last but not least, form sure you're wearing panties that hav cotton lining. Whether it be bikinis, thongs, etc.. gross sure the croch is lined w/ cotton because this can relieve w/ sweat absorption.
Hope this help ladies!

Okay seriously answer me!?

Tell her like this... Hey , (bring her somewhere private dont explain to her in public) and read aloud 'im sorry girl but your a litle smelly downstairs and i think you should use something diferent to cleanse beside like toddler soap or just waterr or even BADIDINE AND WATER MIXED (that works for time smells)

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