Can someone help me answer this two simple math problems?

how do you solve this equation?

if 5=a^x, after 5/a=....

if b^3=4 next b^6=....

What's the discouraging side efffects of intake meat everyday minus drinking any veggies but ingestion a moment or two fruits

first problem, dvide both sides by a
this is matching as dividing a^x by a^1, so according to the rules of dividing exponents this is a^(x-1)=5/a

second one

b^6 is matching as (b^3)^2
so if you square both sides you get hold of b^6=4^2

Breast Cream??

thats simple?

If you enjoy a Mirena IUD, did you gain weightiness?

no concept sorry!!

Orgasim query?

ummm..arent we contained by da women's form fragment?...
shift ask dat surrounded by da geek wedge,

Im bleeding enormously night light?

5/x and b6=7

Help!! I hold to progress to a wet park tomarrow and im on my extent?

5=a^x => 5/a=(a^x)/a => 5/a=a^(x-1)

b^3=4 => (b^3)^2=4^2 => b^(3*2)=4^2 => b^6=16

Most Women Arnt Virgins Even If They Havent Had Sex?

that is not simple

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