Pain during sex after loosing virginity?

The first time my boyfriend and i had sex, we did it until i bled and later stopped. i thought i'd lost my virginity, but when we tried it again after two weeks, it hurt again. why is it doing this?

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He broke you. Stop or you will die.

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You probably should have finished have sex the first time. Because you stopped once you bled, you probably didnt pop your cherry all the path fully so when you did it again, it still hurt. Did you do it for quite awhile the second time? And he go all the approach in multiple times? If so, later your cherry should be fully popped and from this point on it should not hurt at all...

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some times during sex u may catch a cut or blister if going to rapidly or to unyielding.the next time u hav sex, the cut or blister will spread out back up again.

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I believe that probably you're still nervous and not wet/not excited adequate... Your boyfriend should maybe pilfer more time to please you, to arouse you before probing you. He should try with one, next with two fingers first. Then he should do it soflty, watching how you act in response. Softly and slowly, taking time, giving you pleasure, not rushing, try to kiss and caress more. As for me, it took me a long time to really find pleasure in access - take your time, ultimately you'll find it - a moment ago relax, that's the most important item!!

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