A few questions nearly pelvic ultrasound...?

I'm scheduled for one tomorrow. I know I must own a very full bladder.

Should I expect any anguish? Also, I've been have some breakthrough bleeding from my BC pill... if I have some of that contained by the morning, will that be okay or should I reschedule (again)?


What is on your right side,little bit below your belly?

Hey Sweetie,

I just have one done this week at the local ultrasoundographer's clinic and it was different than the one perform at my doctors a few years back.

The technician perform two scans, one externally (trans-abdominal) and one internal (trans-vaginal).

I have to change into a gown and have to lie down on a gurney/bed.
For the trans-abdominal module, they asked that I had a full bladder. I be told that this had something to do beside the visual corral. She had me verbs down my britches just a down a bit on my hips. Then she tucked a towel over the front of my pant. Then she applied a very thaw out gel to the scanning wand, and placed it low on my pelvic nouns. She repositioned it a few times and had to apply a bit of pressure here or nearby but it was not bumpy. It was a slight pressure.
When this be done we wiped the excess gel sour - on the parts of my skin where the gel started to dry it be sticky.
The young female excused me to the restroom at this time and said I could completely empty my bladder. Ahhh...it feel so good to do that! I even took a few moments to use a showery paper towel to finish cleaning the not here over gel from my abdomen.
When I returned, I have to remount the gurney and got to cover myself near a sheet. The technician had me insert the transvaginal wand myself. This be unexpected but it be good to not own to be seen down nearby - I pitty anyone who has to look at that segment of my body. In inserting the condom covered, long handled, small bulbed wand I be able to credit it slowly and at my own pressure. (I have not have sex yet so things are still pretty tight and this be awkward but a relief.) Here she pressed the wand up toward the cervix and over to both ovaries. There be discomfort here as she pressed on the upper rim of the vagina and any pressure around the left ovary kill. This wasnt pain, til the ovary, but a discomforting pressure. Again, the lone pain be where she hit the nouns around the ovary - and this is not normal for everyone. Its only that that area is already totally sensitive in me.
I be able to see the eyeshade from where I laid and get to see her measure respectively ovary, the thickness of the uterine facing, and more. One thing I thought be cool, this machine even showed contained by color, the flow of blood into and through the ovaries. Pretty neat.
When the scan be complete, she withdrew the wand slowly and aptly. I be able to progress back into my street clothes and wipe myself with a tissue.
I did own drainage - the gel - during the rest of the day.
No discomfort be to be had afterwords, 'cept for the hurt around that one ovary...((again this is normal for me anytime that nouns is manipulated/touched/pressure applied -but this is not true for others)).

I would suggest going to the bathroom about two hours since your apt. and then get sure you drink your full 32 plus ounces of water between that time and the time you come across. Dont be like me the first time I have this done, I had a bladder so full, I started to slick urine before I could take to the exam. LOL! This time I was sure to void atleast in cog to let the pressure sour then made sure I drank tons of river before going...so I could refil but not be at the point of over nouns.

One last article, relax. Yes, its nerve-wracking but it will be over in just a concern 15 min or so and in the scheme of our lifetime, it is nothing.

Take attention to detail and God bless

3 years since my cervical cancer.?

There is no pain, per se, but it can be amazingly uncomfortable to hold the ultrasonographer pressing on your abdomen while your bladder's in position to burst!

As for breakthrough bleeding, use a panty liner or pad, do NOT use a tampon. Otherwise, you'll be fine (assuming the procedure planned is trans-abdominal rather than intra-vaginal). If they're going to be conducting the ultrasound via a wand inserted into your vagina, you may want to contact the department and check with them nearly proper procedure. I think you'll be fine though.

Has anyone be told they have have a missed misscarriage and everything been ok?

You might not call for a full bladder. When I had both of mine they have me use the restroom before doing the u/s. Mine be internal. I wasn't sure if you meant that by pelvic. I thinkt he ones on the belly you might need a full bladder but I am not sure. I never made it that far. But they will do an ultrasound near breakthrough bleeding. I was have a miscarriage and had a great deal of bleeding and they did it (I am talking dripping/gushing blood bleeding) So spotting wont' be a problem. Also it doesn't hurt

I really requests to know?

They are not ususally painful. I own had 4 transvaginal ultrasounds; one to look for ovarian cysts, one when a cyst ruptured, and one before/after I terminated my pregnancy. I own a pain problem anytime something is inserted (ultrasound device, intercourse, pap smear, etc.) so it's other painful for me, but nought too severe. Sometimes they kind of press for a time hard when they are taking the pictures but you'll be fine. The bleeding won't be a problem any. They put a "condom" on the ultrasound device so there's no request for information of it being sterile or not. For a transvaginal I don't suggest you need to own a full bladder, mine was completely abandoned when my cyst ruptured and they could see fine. Depending on what they're looking for, they may need a full bladder but if it your doctor didn't enlighten you to, then don't. Good luck, hope everything's okay!

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