First Period?

Okay, i have be having clear discharge over the finishing 2 weeks and i have have cramps for 5 days, i also felt bloated just about 6 days and now it have all stopped except for the discharge. Is this a sign for my first length? How can i prepare for it? if you have a length story can you pleas share it with me?

Wrong Diagnosis? Period durable over 4 months now? PLEASE HELP!?

This could be a sign that you will be getting your length soon. Every woman's body is different, but i would just be prepared. Decide if your going for Pads(I recommend other thin pad w/ wings) or Tampons(tampax pearls are the best), and stock up. Buy some liners(panty liners) and start wearing them, to prevent unforeseen accident(s).

I get mine when i was 12yrs old-fashioned...and trust me I was scared/..but my mom be amazing in helping me out. I knew adjectives about it and be prepared to begin next to, but she was nearby to talk anytime.

If you enjoy a female relative or friend whom you trust(if not your mom) ask them to sit beside you and talk.

Heres a site that might back also

Good luck :)

Lose 15-20lbs in two months?

Congratulations you own become lady.

Enjoy this . This is typical thing but great item in girl's go.

Enjoy life

My OB/GYN only put me on "Loestrin 24 Fe" birth control pills and I'm SUPPOSED to start taking them today

Hello, sounds like your trying to start your term. If your around women like girlfriends from arts school or your mom or sisters. They go within cycles. If they're on there spell. Pretty much chances are you will dance the same time they are. Try taking some Midol or any PMS over-the-counter prescription you feel resembling. Take a warm tub and try to relax. This will help the blood flow seize started. If your under any tremendous amount of stress it can throw your term off also.To prepare manufacture sure you have plenty of any tampons or maxi pads within the house or extra in your purse and put some small wipe on first just surrounded by case you start. You don't want to be out somewhere and not enjoy anything. I've done that too many times to count. Good luck...

If a woman have an orgasm do they always ?

no or ya becareful k! yup u r a woman!

I be just wondering does anyone muse sex is bad?

i guess its time you're getting your first time. stay calm, whenever you own a feeling that you've get them, go to the toilet without beating about the bush and check. my period story be sad:

i first get my period when i be in grade8. next it stopped for a year and a half. when i get it the second time, i dint know anything about how much blood is discharged on what daytime. so on the second day, i wore a fresh wad and went to my friend's house. on the mode back, when i be in the saloon i felt really damp. i ignored it, thinking it be nothing, and when i get of the car here was a huuuuuge stain! that hours of daylight was gross.. i swear. i could gross my own ocean that afternoon. my driver found out that i have my length! embarrassing isn't it

Is this possible?

I don't enjoy any signs like yours aside from have discharge... When I was contained by early status 5 I was so excited to hold my first period, as some of my classmates and friends hold theirs... one time my mum brought me lunch with some menstrual napkins as she said she saw some blood in my undie... but anyway, it be false alarm... until one monday morning, before goin to university that's when it come out... I had my time by the age 11... I feel so woman like... honestly I in fact feel prettier... kinda provide me confident that am not a kid anymore but not a lady nonetheless...

Well there's lots of different nation come to our school educating us girls in regard to menstrual cycle and what to do... I got lots of free napkins and the do's and don't's when you own a menstruation... I think what you stipulation to do, is ask your mum, as believe me, she can be the best friend ever you can ever have... otherwise, lately educate your self, by reading book or surfing the internet in regard to this matter...


To product sex effective which tablet should rob by women as men take vigra?

all i can read out is GET READY because your life is roughly to dramatically change for

periods can and will be stinging, messy, irritating... as well as a agony in the butt.. no pun intended. but, it's a cog of growing up that we all progress thru( women ). one day when you are deeply older and you draw from married, you will thank the high heavens that you have it...lets basically say you will be obliged fr it, instead of dreading it like you will be doing while your

well brought-up luck , and i recommend teen midol when the cramps become too painful to accept... but of course, other ask your parents before you hold any medicine for any drive.

good luck, and i would close to to officially be the first one to treatment you into womanhood.=]

I really enjoy Sex during menstruation?

Wow, your interrogate brings back memories of my first extent. Of course, I was sure my extent was going to start everytime by stomach rumbled or have the slightest twitch at all. When my extent didn't start I was afraid within was something wrong next to me.

My mom was great and have answered all my question. She also assured me that my period would start surrounded by its own good time and at hand was nought wrong with me.

Well, she be right. It did start in its own perfect time. If you have cramps, the thaw bath article is okay. I preferred a heating wipe. I suppose Midol might be okay. Or, a good anti-inflammatory similar to Motrin might be even better.

I hope you have a mom approaching mine to talk to...or an aunt, elder cousin, a friend's mom. You get my drift. Us girls own got to stick together and this is one piece for sure we all take to mean.

If the discharge continues, I think I'd run see a doctor just to sort sure everything is okey dokey. One time, I had the worse cramps ever...and a discharge too. Finally, the discharge turned bloody and I of late took some Motrin and tried to get on next to my day at work. To clear a long story short, it wasn't my period at adjectives. I had a ragin bladder infection. Which is why I'm maxim you should see a doctor if the discharge and pain continues, merely to be on the safe side.
The doctor be able to clear up the bladder infection beside a prescription or two and I was fine.

I'll be thinking of you and wish you well. Welcome to the world of childish womanhood. You'll do fine, Honey. Just fine. And I'm proud of you being predisposed to ask questions. The merely dumb question is the one not asked!

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