Will my Bulimia Effect my Birth Control Pills?

I am bulimic, but I take birth control at 530 PM each sunshine. If I don't throw up until like 10 oclock that night, am I still protected by the birth control? And if, am I safe if I throw up the next daytime BEFORE I take my pill? I understand that this is an ill practice, and I am undergoing rehabilitation for this habit, but I am afraid to ask my mother because she get extremely emotional when I talk of any subject, and when I am visiting my doctor, I really prefer to allow them to think I enjoy completely ending this cycle of binge and purge. I am, however, doing much better than when I first entered psychoanalysis, but I still need to know. Please help.

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It depends on what you're consumption, Dr. Oz says. "A steak dinner can take you two, perchance three days to get out of your intestine. What that means is the route you digest it is basically to rot it in your intestines. On the other appendage, if you eat vegetables and fruits, they're out of your system in smaller quantity than 12 hours."

So if your gonna do it, purge before you take the pill, or loaf atleast 6-12 hours after you have taken the pill to purge... Hope i helped.Hope your treatment go swell...good luck..

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Bulimia could affect your reproductive system in standard. You can have A LOT of complications with your overall condition. Bulimia is a terrible way to live. If you do it everyday resembling that you could rupture your oesophagus and bleed to death before anyone get to you. you could rupture your diaphragm from heaving... and bleed to death before anyone can relief you. It doesn't matter how much you do it or how little, It could happen any time you jump to do it. I wouldn't worry about getting pregnant if your doing that to your body because your body could host a infant under those conditions.

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of course your not protected. its going against nature or normal to throw up regularly. birth control only works on a HEALTHY customarily functioning body. even when your sick, depressed anything. the chances of it failing increase. so first get yourself fully decent, be honest to everyone, lieing or not talking at all doesnt relief anyone especially yourself. GOOD LUCK. :)

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ANY VOMITING OR DIHARREA no matter the cause can lower the value of birth control. You'll want to use a "back-up method" (condoms, diaphram, etc.) along with the pill until you get your GI system fund in order.

P.S. Don't story to your doctors. If you don't tell them the truth (that goes for EVERY problem, not purely an eating disorder) then they cannot sustain you.

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if you really can't stop yourself throwing up do it before you take your pills. But please step talk to the doctor about not person able to stop yet. There might be something else they can do for you to obtain you through that last step. I think they would a bit you admit to it and ask for help after try to hide it from them. Doctor's will find out sooner or later

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