Can anybody support me on contraceptives?

I'm not currently registered with a GP, and my second one refused to confer me the injection (depro provera). Something to do with strength risks. I'm well over the age of consent,rubbish at taking pills.don't trust patch and a bit squeamish about have anything fitted internally!! Ideally would like to find a clinic in London that will bestow me depro. Help!

I am hving sex with my boy frined faint often.he sucks my breast like mad. the shape of my breast has become flat

Get the address and phone number of your local familial planning clinic. You don't need to be registered next to a GP to go at hand. You don't necessarily need an appt any.
NHS direct may be able to assist you. If you google NHS direct on the computer you will get their number.

the people planning clinic willl give you the injection free of charge.

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i would find out wat the risk is

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How feeble were you when you stopped growing in Ht . Do girls stop growing after they achieve period?

Well even though you speak you're not good at taking pills the FDA simply approved a new pill call Lybrel which stops Menstruation totally. Not sure about it's availability overseas but might be worth asking almost.

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why don't u ask ur GP about the push in, i have it myself an so do a few ppl i know, it's great last for 3yrs, but u can have it removed any time u required, i haven't had any trouble beside it, but not everyone is the same, hope u find the right one honest luck!!

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find your nearest kith and kin planning clinic and they will go through adjectives the options near you. There are no greater risks with the depo inoculation as with other forms of contraception apart from a slightly difficult risk to thinning of the bones in later energy if you take it when your bones are still developing and it does increase your appetite a bit so if you have a leaning to put on weight you will own to try harder not to, there is also the set in, I have used both at some stage and i reckon they are great. By the way some doctors don't approaching giving you the injection due to cost and availability. As long as your medical history is OK i would say stir for it.

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I'd find out what the specific concerns are.Many women experience nonstop breakthrough bleeding next to depo.However,its your decision. By "internal" do you imply something your doc would need to insert,similar to an IUD? Becauseboth the Nuvaring and a Diaphragm (which needs to be fitted) are self administered and significantly effective.

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if overweight that could okay be the reason as the punch makes you put more mass on did me

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i got an IUD and i love it because it is no maintanance and last for several years it was no problem to me

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