What's Going On?

Ok im 12 day's slowly and i took a few pregnancy tests and they be negitive im not in any kinda of stress i munch through right and all that polite stuff im married with 2 kids and we are not trying nor are we preventing pregnancy anything will be will be so im not stressing making myself think i am explanation i know that could happen anyone hold any advice if i dont start within a week im gonna call my doctor...Thank's For Answering my question

Depo shot helponly get second shot.?

Gosh, I think you answered your own question--what will be will be. I don't know anything going on for home pregnancy tests, but is 12 days too soon for them to work. Follow your plan of seeing the doc if you miss your subsequent period. Sounds close to you are pretty happy, and that's nice to hear for a relocate.

Birth Control Alesse question?

Well if you're really active it could bring you to skip, but the best thing to do is probably to consult a doctor roughly speaking it.

Shaving question!?

It could be anything. Periods shift over time, so it may be just that.

Have your doctor do a blood tryout. Sometimes the pregnancy hormone isnt strong enough surrounded by the urine to show a positive, or other things can cause a false refusal or positive. A blood test will answer whether you are pregnant or not, as economically as determine if other things are going on.

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