Worried..support me on this one?

A week after my period be over, my father had a to hand death experience and we be all shocked. The subsequent day, I get going having brown discharge, kinda resembling a period but not really cuz it wasn't blood. This would formulate two weeks after my period. It last for 3 days and it stopped. It's not like I've never have brown discharge before, but it's be a very long time since I've have one so this is weird to me. Does anyone know what this could be? Is it usually stress related or is it anything else you might know of? I'd appreciate some answers.

Answers:    It could be stress related. Sometimes the uterus doesn't totally pointless, and there is for a moment lining departed. It is basically outmoded blood and kind of rusty brown. It mixes next to the normal secretion, which are usually clear, and gives you a brownish discharge. It can also ensue if you are injured during sex and bleed a little inside. I don't miserable rough sex, just something get scratched or irritated internally and oozes a touch of blood. If it is a one time article, I wouldn't worry. If it happen again OR you miss your next interval, get a doc to check it out. A slight bleeding partially way through the cycle is usually nought, but can be a symptom of many things including implantation of a fertilized egg. I hope your father is OK and this is only a stress thing. Good luck.
You probably have a mini period brought on by stress. If it happen again see your doctor. If u r really worried visit a doctor but you could drop by http://www.webmd.com/default.htm and find out.
This is a great site and it tells u what to do next to weird symptoms near your body.
I think its because of stress. If indistinguishable thing happen on your next interval go to the doctor. accurate luck! :) It's is normal, to be precise the left over from your length contain mucus and residu of blood. Some woman have it adjectives the time, some never experienced it. But i have it adjectives the time, usually a week after my period.

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