Gynos and women, i hava a interrogate.?

almost every time i have sex, the sunshine after my ovaries are sore and i am bloated. is this normal? and if me and my fiancee are rough, i bleed, but it doesnt hurt. is this also noramal? please hand over me some good info. thankfulness.

Paps smear?

Bleeding after sex is never good. Even if it doesn't hurt. It could be a sign of HPV or cervical issues. Go see your GYN immediatley!

How can i control my cravings?

being rough will do this, cause bloating, and bleeding, if this persist contact your ob/gyn

What could be wrong?

This is not mundane,see a DR

If you have a cyst within your breast does the doctors remove them, or what produces do they use?

Are you on the pill. The pill changes the wall bin liner of your vagina cauing bleeding after sex. However you should see your doctor about this as bleeding is not moral.

Not sure what is causing the bloating? Again your doctor should be capable of help you better consequently we can

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